Data and context can be found on this paper:
This project attempts to find insights and predict methane uptake capacity of covalent organic frameworks via a regression model.
First, I wanted to visualise the data to understand the trends and outliers. This includes:
- a report of min, max and all categorical variables
- boxplots of continuous values
- histograms of discrete values
Then, the data was visualised using a sns.relplot()
to show the relationship of predictors to the response (y = AbsMU_high_P_[molec/unit_cell])
and color-coded by bond types.
The data was then organised into X and y and using a random forest to find feature importance based on mean decrease of purity. This was done to reduce the dimensionality from p=1116. A threshold of 0.001 was used to chose important features, with supercell volume being the most important.
Many algorithms were assessed for selection. Algorithms (from sklearn
) were trialed using default parameters with RepeatedKFold cross-validation (n_splits
= 5, n_repeats
= 10) include:
- Linear Regression
- Decision Tree
- ensemble methods:
- Random Forest
- AdaBoost
- Bagging
- GradientBoosting
- XGBoost <-- using the XGBoost library
- KNeighbors
Evalution of each algorithm includes:
- metrics: Averages, train and validation scores printed
- mean_absolute_error
- mean_square_error
- root_mean_square_error
- Plots
- Learning Curves (scoring = RMSE)
- Prediction plots of simulated data and predicted data
Random Forest had the best performance so was this algorithm was selected. Hyperparameter tuning using Optuna evaluated on held-out test set.
- Do a more in-depth search with classification:
- multi-nomial classification of qualitative values
- bond_type (
=5) - parent network (
- bond_type (
- evaluation of 2D and 3D COF
- unsupervised learning
- clustering
- multi-nomial classification of qualitative values
- Curate large dataset
- Trained ML algorithm to predict target property
- Select optimal algorithm for material representation
- Validate algorithm
- Developed an assessment protocol informed by construction of model