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Venmo Unofficial API Documentation

This is an unofficial documentation of the Venmo iOS app API. The API base route is:
A Python wrapper for the Venmo API, here:

Disclaimer: This is an individual effort and is not PayPal/Venmo sponsored or maintained.

Table of Contents

API Overview

The API base route is In this section, you will find an overview of the API endpoints, parameter description, request body schemas, and request header schemas. You can read more and see examples of each one by clicking on the endpoint.

Public Endpoints

Resource Description Request Header Id Request Body Id
POST /oauth/access_token Login using credentials or 2-factor. 1 1
GET /account/two-factor/token?client_id=1 Get the 2-factor authentication options. (sms, etc). 2
POST account/two-factor/token Ask Venmo to send you an OTP as a Text. 3 2

Authentication Required Endpoints

Resource Description Request Header Id Request Body Id
DELETE /oauth/access_token Sign-Out, revoke the provided Access Token. 4
GET /me Get your user profile. 5
GET /users/{user-id} Get a user's public profile. 4
GET /users/{user-id}/friends Get a user's friend's list. 4
GET /stories/{transaction-id} Get a specific transaction information. 4
GET /stories/target-or-actor/{user-id} Get a list of the user's transactions. 4
GET /payment-methods Get the payment methods list, Venmo Balance, etc 4
POST /payments Make a payment or request money. 5 3 or 4


Name Possible Value Description
amount 12.2 $12.20, the amount to charge or send in dollars. For charging, the number must be negative.
audience private enum { private, friends, public } The privacy of your payment.
Authorization Bearer <token> Your Access Token
device-id 88884260-05O3-8U81-58I1-2WA76F357GR9 Phone's unique identifier that never changes.
funding_source_id 1513921002697097045 Payment Id, basically the source of the money that you are sending. For example, it can be your Venmo Balance or Bank Account.
note Pizza 🍕 The note of your transaction.
Payment-id 1513921002697097045 Payment method's unique identifier, like your Venmo Balance Id or your Bank Checking account Id.
password password123456 The user's account password in plain-text.
phone_email_or_username The user's account email address or username.
transaction-id 4246290347126270993 Transaction unique identifier.
user-id 4696228937479104362 User unique identifier.
Venmo-Otp 123456 Venmo OTP received by text.
venmo-otp-secret H02SO0WYEJKMLMC4... Temporary Identifier of a user required by all the 2-Factor requests. Expires in minutes.

Request Header Schema

index Keys
1 device-id, Content-Type
2 device-id, venmo-otp-secret
3 device-id, venmo-otp-secret, Content-Type
4 device-id, venmo-otp-secret, Venmo-Otp, User-Agent
5 Authorization
6 Authorization, Content-Type

Request Body (JSON)

Index Keys
1 { "phone_email_or_username": "", "client_id": "1","password": ""}
2 { "via": "sms" }
3 { "funding_source_id": 0, "metadata": { "quasi_cash_disclaimer_viewed": false }, "user_id": 0, "audience": "", "amount": 1, "note": "" }
4 { "note": "", "metadata": { "quasi_cash_disclaimer_viewed": false }, "amount": -1, "user_id": 0, "audience": "" }

Public Endpoints

Open endpoints do not require the Authentication Token. However, they can be used to get the Authentication Token required by other methods.


Each endpoint is related to the login process, including the two factor authentication and the final goal is to get the authorization token and use that in the routes that require Authentication. The token never expires, unless you logout.

Login/Get Access Token

Login in using your username and password in plain-text. Remember, if the device-id is trusted by your account, it will work. Otherwise, you will have to follow the 2-factor auth. process.

POST /oauth/access_token



Key Example Value Required Description
device-id 88884260-05O3-8U81-58I1-2WA76F357GR9 True Mobile Unique Device Id
Content-Type application/json True Identifying the body
Host False


  "phone_email_or_username": "",
  "client_id": "1",
  "password": "password123456"


Status: 400 Bad Request

Status: 401 Unauthorized

This means username and password was correct, but additional verification is required since the device-id is unknown for your account. You will need to do two additional steps for logging in with 2-factor. 1. Request for the text message to be sent to your phone. 2. Send the code you received on your phone to the Venmo and the venmo-otp-secret using this route.


Key Value
venmo-otp required; two_factor


  "error": {
    "url": "",
    "message": "Additional authentication is required",
    "code": 81109,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK


  "access_token": "28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG",
  "balance": 200.2,
  "user": {
    "username": "user",
    "phone": "18558124430",
    "first_name": "Random",
    "last_name": "Name",
    "display_name": "Random Name",
    "profile_picture_url": "",
    "id": "3020735175772533188",
    "email": ""

Two-Factor, Get Options

Get the two-factor authentication options that you have for your account.

GET /account/two-factor/token?client_id=1


Request Header

Key Example Value Required Description
device-id 88884260-05O3-8U81-58I1-2WA76F357GR9 True Mobile Unique Device Id
venmo-otp-secret H02SO0WYEJKMLMC4TFKN5YZ7WHOJO4PAWCP8HFLP8NZANO2IDRCQJ5J1GGYNYXSP True The otp-secret that you receive in the response header when first try to login with username and password.


Status: 400 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "Your code has expired. Sign in again and we'll send you a new code.",
    "code": 81110,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK


  "data": {
    "questions": [
        "value": "Capital One, N.a. Checking Account",
        "question_type": "bank"
    "devices": [
        "value": "(XXX) XXX - 1234",
        "device_type": "sms"
    "braintree": {
      "braintree_merchant_id": "BVC6R3Z8ONVTWLAD",
      "braintree_use_prod": "true",

Two-Factor, Ask for Text Message Code

Ask Venmo to text you the 2-factor code.

POST account/two-factor/token



Key Example Value Required Description
device-id 88884260-05O3-8U81-58I1-2WA76F357GR9 True Mobile Unique Device Id
venmo-otp-secret H02SO0WYEJKMLMC4TFKN5YZ7WHOJO4PAWCP8HFLP8NZANO2IDRCQJ5J1GGYNYXSP True The otp-secret that you receive in the response header when first try to login with username and password
Content-Type application/json True Send the server the body content type that is Json.


{ "via": "sms" }


Status: 400 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "Your code has expired. Sign in again and we'll send you a new code.",
    "code": 81110,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK


  "data": {
    "status": "sent"

Two-Factor, Get Access Token

Login using your one-time password that received by text.

POST /oauth/access_token?client_id=1



Key Example Value Required Description
device-id 88884260-05O3-8U81-58I1-2WA76F357GR9 True Mobile Unique Device Id
venmo-otp-secret H02SO0WYEJKMLMC4TFKN5YZ7WHOJO4PAWCP8HFLP8NZANO2IDRCQJ5J1GGYNYXSP True The otp-secret that you receive in the response header when first try to login with username and password
Venmo-Otp 123456 True OTP received by text.
User-Agent Venmo/7.38.0 (iPhone; iOS 13.0; Scale/2.0) False


Status: 400 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "Your code has expired. Sign in again and we'll send you a new code.",
    "code": 81110,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK


  "access_token": "28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG",
  "balance": 200.2,
  "user": {
    "username": "user",
    "phone": "18558124430",
    "first_name": "Random",
    "last_name": "Name",
    "display_name": "Random Name",
    "profile_picture_url": "",
    "id": "3020735175772533188",
    "email": ""

Authentication Required Endpoints

Closed endpoints require a valid Authorization Token to be included in the header of the request. A Token can be acquired from the Login view above.



Revoke your Access Token.

DELETE /oauth/access_token



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "Your OAuth Token has been revoked.",
    "code": 262,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 204 No Content

Your Token is revoked.


Get Your User Profile

GET /me



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

Your user profile information.

  "feature_groups": [],
  "is_goods_services_limited": false,
  "use_new_default_funding_source_logic": true,
  "is_suspended_for_disputes": false,
  "is_indebted": false,
  "cip_status": "passed",
  "is_balance_upgrade_user": false,
  "available_instant_transfer_capabilities": [
  "zendesk_identifier": "$$hjbvhjebvehjrbvehrjbvrehjvberhjvberh.ghfdjksghfdhjsghjfdkgyufgeryufbrefbreyubreyugregbreuygbreyugbreygbreyugbreyugberygergregreyugerygregregerghkjrhgulihgljkfdhgjghfjhgk.fghfverfgerlfbrehjkgbrebgerkgbrejkgbrehjgbe",
  "notifications": {
      "outgoing_count": {
          "outgoing_requests_count": 0,
          "outgoing_payments_count": 0
      "incoming_count": 0
  "qrc_rewards_enabled": true,
  "user": {
      "username": "JohnDoe",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "friends_count": 100,
      "is_group": false,
      "is_active": true,
      "trust_request": null,
      "is_venmo_team": false,
      "phone": "15551234567",
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "is_payable": true,
      "is_blocked": false,
      "id": "5611330498099736263",
      "identity": {
          "has_submitted": false
      "date_joined": "2017-12-31T23:50:17",
      "about": " ",
      "display_name": "John Doe",
      "identity_type": "personal",
      "first_name": "John",
      "friend_status": null,
      "email": ""
  "is_limited_account": false,
  "is_web_whitelisted": false,
  "needs_verification": "not_required",
  "testing_bucket_id": "123",
  "balance": "0.00",
  "automatic_transfer_enabled": false,
  "is_recovery_exempted": false

Get User's Profile

GET /users/{user-id}



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

The user's profile information.

  "username": "random-name",
  "last_name": "Name",
  "friends_count": null,
  "is_group": false,
  "is_active": true,
  "trust_request": null,
  "phone": null,
  "profile_picture_url": "",
  "is_blocked": false,
  "id": "5611330498099736263",
  "identity": null,
  "date_joined": "2017-12-31T23:50:17",
  "about": " ",
  "display_name": "Random Name",
  "first_name": "Random",
  "friend_status": "not_friend",
  "email": null

User's Friend's List

Revoke your Access Token.

GET users/{user-id}/friends?limit=1337



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Key Example Value Description
limit= 1337 Max number of profile in every request is 1337
offset= 1337 How many friends to offset. Can be used for paging.


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

A list of all the friend's profile info of the provided user.

  "pagination": {
    "previous": null,
    "next": "{user-id}/friends?limit=1337&offset=1337"
  "data": [
      "username": "random-name",
      "last_name": "Name",
      "friends_count": null,
      "is_group": false,
      "is_active": true,
      "trust_request": null,
      "phone": null,
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "is_blocked": false,
      "id": "5611330498099736263",
      "identity": null,
      "date_joined": "2017-12-31T23:50:17",
      "about": " ",
      "display_name": "Random Name",
      "first_name": "Random",
      "friend_status": "not_friend",
      "email": null


Transaction Info

GET /stories/{transaction-id}



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

All the information about a transaction that can be find.

  "date_updated": "2018-12-27T17:30:48",
  "transfer": null,
  "app": {
    "description": "Venmo for iPhone",
    "site_url": null,
    "image_url": "",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Venmo for iPhone"
  "comments": {
    "count": 0,
    "data": []
  "payment": {
    "status": "settled",
    "id": 8579358424347419121,
    "date_authorized": null,
    "merchant_split_purchase": null,
    "date_completed": "2018-12-27T17:02:40",
    "target": {
      "merchant": null,
      "redeemable_target": null,
      "phone": null,
      "user": {
        "username": "random-name",
        "last_name": "Name",
        "friends_count": null,
        "is_group": false,
        "is_active": true,
        "trust_request": null,
        "phone": null,
        "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
        "is_blocked": false,
        "id": "6088917218694187751",
        "identity": null,
        "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
        "about": " ",
        "display_name": "Random Name",
        "first_name": "Random",
        "friend_status": "not_friend",
        "email": null
      "type": "user",
      "email": null
    "audience": "public",
    "actor": {
      "username": "random-name2",
      "last_name": "Name2",
      "friends_count": null,
      "is_group": false,
      "is_active": true,
      "trust_request": null,
      "phone": null,
      "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
      "is_blocked": false,
      "id": "6088917218694187752",
      "identity": null,
      "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
      "about": " ",
      "display_name": "Random Name2",
      "first_name": "Random",
      "friend_status": "not_friend",
      "email": null
    "note": "Dude here is your money",
    "amount": null,
    "action": "pay",
    "date_created": "2016-11-27T10:09:31",
    "date_reminded": null
  "note": "Dude here is your money",
  "audience": "public",
  "likes": {
    "count": 1,
    "data": [
        "username": "random-name2",
        "last_name": "Name2",
        "friends_count": null,
        "is_group": false,
        "is_active": true,
        "trust_request": null,
        "phone": null,
        "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
        "is_blocked": false,
        "id": "6088917218694187752",
        "identity": null,
        "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
        "about": " ",
        "display_name": "Random Name2",
        "first_name": "Random",
        "friend_status": "not_friend",
        "email": null
  "mentions": {
    "count": 0,
    "data": []
  "date_created": "2018-12-27T17:30:48",
  "type": "payment",
  "id": "5296429055819060535",
  "authorization": null

User's Transactions List

Revoke your Access Token.

GET /stories/target-or-actor/{user-id}



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Key Example Value Description
before_id={transaction-id} 6088917218694187751 List of transactions before the provided transaction-id.
limit= 50 Max number of transactions per request is 50.


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

A list of all the user's transactions. Max 50 per request.

  "pagination": {
    "previous": "{user-id}?limit=1&after_id={transaction-id}",
    "next": "{user-id}?before_id=transaction-id&limit=50"
  "data": [
      "date_updated": "2018-12-27T17:30:48",
      "transfer": null,
      "app": {
        "description": "Venmo for iPhone",
        "site_url": null,
        "image_url": "",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Venmo for iPhone"
      "comments": {
        "count": 0,
        "data": []
      "payment": {
        "status": "settled",
        "id": 1513921002697097045,
        "date_authorized": null,
        "merchant_split_purchase": null,
        "date_completed": "2018-12-27T17:02:40",
        "target": {
          "merchant": null,
          "redeemable_target": null,
          "phone": null,
          "user": {
            "username": "random-name",
            "last_name": "Name",
            "friends_count": null,
            "is_group": false,
            "is_active": true,
            "trust_request": null,
            "phone": null,
            "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
            "is_blocked": false,
            "id": "6088917218694187751",
            "identity": null,
            "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
            "about": " ",
            "display_name": "Random Name",
            "first_name": "Random",
            "friend_status": "not_friend",
            "email": null
          "type": "user",
          "email": null
        "audience": "public",
        "actor": {
          "username": "random-name2",
          "last_name": "Name2",
          "friends_count": null,
          "is_group": false,
          "is_active": true,
          "trust_request": null,
          "phone": null,
          "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
          "is_blocked": false,
          "id": "6088917218694187752",
          "identity": null,
          "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
          "about": " ",
          "display_name": "Random Name2",
          "first_name": "Random",
          "friend_status": "not_friend",
          "email": null
        "note": "Dude here is your money",
        "amount": null,
        "action": "pay",
        "date_created": "2016-11-27T10:09:31",
        "date_reminded": null
      "note": "Dude here is your money",
      "audience": "public",
      "likes": {
        "count": 1,
        "data": [
            "username": "random-name2",
            "last_name": "Name2",
            "friends_count": null,
            "is_group": false,
            "is_active": true,
            "trust_request": null,
            "phone": null,
            "profile_picture_url": "no-pic",
            "is_blocked": false,
            "id": "6088917218694187752",
            "identity": null,
            "date_joined": "2015-11-03T18:20:58",
            "about": " ",
            "display_name": "Random Name2",
            "first_name": "Random",
            "friend_status": "not_friend",
            "email": null
      "mentions": {
        "count": 0,
        "data": []
      "date_created": "2018-12-27T17:30:48",
      "type": "payment",
      "id": "5296429055819060535",
      "authorization": null


Available Payment Methods

GET /payment-methods



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

A list of all the available payment methods.

  "data": [
      "top_up_role": "none",
      "default_transfer_destination": "none",
      "fee": null,
      "last_four": null,
      "id": "1208112335595142453",
      "card": null,
      "assets": null,
      "peer_payment_role": "default",
      "name": "Venmo balance",
      "image_url": null,
      "bank_account": null,
      "merchant_payment_role": "none",
      "type": "balance"
      "top_up_role": "eligible",
      "default_transfer_destination": "default",
      "fee": null,
      "last_four": "1234",
      "id": "7239467018896641105",
      "card": null,
      "assets": {
        "detail": "bank logo.jpg",
        "thumbnail": "bank logo.jpg"
      "peer_payment_role": "backup",
      "name": "Capital One, Personal Checking",
      "image_url": "/static/images/banklogos/capitalone.png",
      "bank_account": {
        "is_verified": true,
        "id": "6203910C-50R3-78D0-844A-86R44J031368",
        "bank": {
          "asset_name": "capital_one",
          "name": "Capital One"
      "merchant_payment_role": "backup",
      "type": "bank"

Make A Payment or Request Money

In the request body, if the amount is positive, then you are sending the money. If you simply take the amount value to be negative, then you are requesting for money.

POST /payments



Key Example Value Required
Authorization Bearer 28735RJZ0MG3378R8HV6946Y64D077930MZO29REK1RQ7493966107H64P7764AG True
Content-Type application/json True

Body, Sending money

  "funding_source_id": 1208112335595142453,
  "metadata": {
    "quasi_cash_disclaimer_viewed": false
  "user_id": 4696228937479104362,
  "audience": "private",
  "amount": 20,
  "note": "The transaction note. Like, Last night's dinner."

Body, Requesting Money

  "note": "The transaction note.",
  "metadata": {
    "quasi_cash_disclaimer_viewed": false
  "amount": -18,
  "user_id": 4696228937479104362,
  "audience": "private"


Status: 401 Bad Request


  "error": {
    "message": "You did not pass a valid OAuth access token.",
    "code": 261,
    "links": null,
    "title": "Error"

Status: 200 OK

An example of making a charge request's response:

  "data": {
    "balance": "122.96",
    "payment": {
      "status": "pending",
      "refund": null,
      "medium": "Venmo for iPhone",
      "id": "9252187857987647599",
      "date_authorized": null,
      "fee": null,
      "date_completed": null,
      "target": {
        "merchant": null,
        "redeemable_target": null,
        "phone": null,
        "user": {
          "username": "random-name",
          "last_name": "Name",
          "friends_count": 1000,
          "is_group": false,
          "is_active": true,
          "trust_request": null,
          "phone": null,
          "profile_picture_url": "",
          "is_blocked": false,
          "id": "1357434613619042959",
          "identity": null,
          "date_joined": "2018-10-19T13:45:21",
          "about": " ",
          "display_name": "Random Name",
          "first_name": "Random",
          "friend_status": null,
          "email": null
        "type": "user",
        "email": null
      "audience": "private",
      "actor": {
        "username": "random-name",
        "last_name": "Name",
        "friends_count": 1000,
        "is_group": false,
        "is_active": true,
        "trust_request": null,
        "phone": null,
        "profile_picture_url": "",
        "is_blocked": false,
        "id": "1357434613619042959",
        "identity": null,
        "date_joined": "2018-10-19T13:45:21",
        "about": " ",
        "display_name": "Random Name",
        "first_name": "Random",
        "friend_status": null,
        "email": null
      "note": "the charge note",
      "amount": 2.0,
      "action": "charge",
      "date_created": "2018-11-17T07:07:57",
      "date_reminded": null
    "payment_token": null


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
