This is the Get Weather Android app project repository, written with pure Flutter. This Project uses the Flutter Version 1.22.6. To contribute to this project, you need to set FVM on your machine. For packages use the one that best suit the SDK version of the project to avoid errors
- FVM is a CLI tool used for managing different flutter SDK versions. This is the link to download.
- Once you click on the link, it redirects you to the fvm site, click on get started and follow the procedure.
It is a weather application that allows you to get weather conditions of different locations.
- Forecast feature
- Light and dark mode (use stacked_themes package for this) This is the link to the package
- Weather image
- Change temperature between F and C
- Settings tab (should include 2 and 4 options in it)
i. Naming Convention:
Naming Convention | Effective Style | Example |
Classes, enum types,typedefs,and type parameters,etensions | PascalCase | An example is HomeScreen |
Libraries, packages, directories, and source files, import prefixes | snake_case | An example is home_screen |
Class members, top-level definitions, variables, parameters, and named parameters, constants | camelCase | An example is verifiedUser |
ii. Style Rule
- Always declare return types in your methods.
- Put required named parameters first.
- Always require non-null named parameters (@required).
- Indent your code where appropriate
(e.g Use two-space indentation.)
Steps to collaborate on the repository for team members.
- Fork the project.
- Click on the "Code" button on the Repo page.
- Copy the URL for the forked Repo ""
- Open your Code Editor and run
git clone
- Add a Remote to Upstream to your Repo:
Using the command :
git remote add upstream
- Pull from upstream to download all changes in the project using
git pull upstream master
- Open the project in your IDE or Code Editor.
- Complete your assigned task.
When your task is completed:
- Create a new branch with your task name e.g "feat- UserSignUP".
- run:
git checkout -b feat/yourTask
Push to github; git add .
git commit -m "feat: Inplemented yourTask"
- To make sure there are no conflict, Pull from upstream using
git pull upstream master
- Push your branch changes to the Repo using
git push origin "feat/yourTask"
note how it end with a branch.
When making a PR, your PR is expected to have the following comments"
- What is the task/issue completed?
- What does the PR actually do?
- How can the PR be manually tested?
- Screenshots(of your implementation - A mobile screen or an APi payload).