This filter program for Linux (including WSL) converts output of the Commander X16 Emulator R33+ to UTF-8 looking like PETSCII-UC, PETSCII-LC, or ISO8859-15 depending on what is used. It also converts the control codes to ANSI/VT100/xterm Escape sequences. It can print some debug information e.g. Ⓓ & Ⓐ for CR & LF, if you use option -d. In the future also the keypresses will be shown, and there is some buggy support for that already.
x16emu -echo raw | petscii2utf8 -d
or if these are not installed:
./x16emu -echo raw | ~/x16-petscii2utf8/petscii2utf8 -d
is changed to READY!
as a confirmation that it works.
Keys might work in the Commander X16 Emulator R33+ using:
./x16emu -echo raw -log k | ~/x16-petscii2utf8/petscii2utf8
Keys in the terminal sending to the emulator does not work, unless you patch the emulator.
Try petsciiiso.bas!
This system can also be used in Windows 10+ using WSL, and I have tested it in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Windows-terminal 1.17; both from Microsoft Store, but it probably works with later versions. I used the font Unscii-16-full in Windows-terminal since the built-in fonts from Microsoft currently don't support symbols for legacy computing.
/mnt/c/Users/pi/Downloads/x16emu_win64-r43/x16emu.exe -echo raw -run -bas ~/chargen-maker/petsciiiso.bas | ~/x16-petscii2utf8/petscii2utf8
Unfortunately I don't yet know make
or CMake
so I made a script
that compiles the code to executables.
This has been tested on Raspbian Buster and Bullseye Linux. I would like it to build on macOS, but I have no Mac to test it on.
git clone
cd x16-petscii2utf8
./ ─ These were used to generate some code using enter-unicode.
See also: commanderx16/x16-emulator#112
I would like to thank @mist64 for reviews.