This is the controller project to remotely control the JNI Proto Car with an PS3 Controller. This project rewrites the original CircuitPython code to C++ and uses the Arduino framework.
The project for the JNI Proto Car Base can be found here.
- Fully setup platformIO environment
- An ESP32 Microcontroller
- A PS3 Controller (or compatible replica)
- A Wifi network
Note that it might be hard to purchase a new original PS3 controller. Unfortunately not all replicas are compatible and will work. The following controller worked for me: Link to used controller from Digitec (CH) I further used the Sixaxis Pair Tool to initiate and set the targeted MAC address on the PS3 controller (not its own but the "PS3/bases' one"). Further information can be found here:
For Wifi and further network setup. Create a file called include/jni_config.h
with the following content:
#define WIFI_SSID "your-wifi-ssid"
#define WIFI_PASS "your-wifi-password"
#define UDP_RECEIVER_SOCKET_IP "" // Backup JNI Proto Car
#define ESP32_HOST_MAC "e8:9f:6d:25:49:26" // MAC address of the ESP32 linked with PS3 Controller
Make sure to add the correct IP address of the car base in your jni_config.h
(shown on the cars display and published via MQTT).
Further instructions can be found in the base (main project).