This an extension for the MagicMirror. It can display Todoist tasks from multiple accounts in a single list and filter them several ways.
This module should still be considered beta. Not everything has been fully tested and more advanced features may not work for you. Pull requests are welcome!
- Navigate into your MagicMirror's
folder and executegit clone
. A new folder will appear navigate into it. - Execute
npm install
to install the node dependencies.
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
file. The following is a short example of a basic configuration.
modules: [
module: 'MMM-Todoist-Multi',
position: 'top_right', // This can be any of the regions
header: 'Task List', // This is optional
config: {
accessToken: 'accessToken-from-Todoist', //required
projects: [166564794],
labels: ['MagicMirror', 'Important'],
filters: ['Assigned to me'], //at least one project, label, or filter is required
displayOrder: ['countdown', 'content', 'project'], //at least one display column is required
debug: true, //set debug to true for helpful information in the console
The following options can be included in your configuration file.
An array of API Tokens for all accounts to look for tasks.
- Possible values:
- Default value: none
- Example:
accessToken: ['accessToken-from-Todoist'],
You can use the "API Token" found at todoist Developer in this setting.
Add helpful logging and project information to the console.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
debug: true,
will display your project names and IDs in the browser's console as well as useful logging to help with debugging problems.
Note: This setting does not change the display of tasks.
Array of projects to include in the display. Projects can be included by name or ID. Including a project will include all items in that project regardless of label or filter.
- Possible values:
[integer or string]
- Default value: `[ ]``
- Example:
projects: [166564794, 'Project'],
Note: The values for projects
, labels
, and filters
are inclusive--any task matching one or more of these values will be displayed.
See also: debug
for finding project IDs in the console.
You can also get project IDs using the Todoist website:
- Go to Todoist (Log in if you aren't)
- Click on a Project in the left menu
- Your browser URL will change to something like
. Look in the url forproject/
followed by a number. In this example, the ID is 166564897.
Array of label names you want to include in the display.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
[ ]
- Example:
labels: ['MagicMirror', 'Important', 'DoInTheMorning'],
will display all tasks from all projects that have one or more of these labels
Note: The values for projects
, labels
, and filters
are inclusive--any task matching one or more of these values will be displayed.
This setting does not work as expected in all cases.
Array of filers to include in the display. Including a filter will include all items in that filter.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
[ ]
- Example:
filers: ['Assigned to me'],
will display all tasks assigned to the accounttoken
Note: The values for projects
, labels
, and filters
are inclusive--any task matching one or more of these values will be displayed.
Be careful using filters when including more than one Todoist account. Todoist provides several default filters including "Assigned to me", "Priority 1", Priority 2", "Priority 3", Priority 4"
Array of columns to display for each task. Columns appear in whatever order set here.
- Possible values:
- The text of the task.duedate
- The due date of the task.countdown
- The number of days until the task is due.priority
- The priority of the task.labels
- The text of the task.assignee
- The user who is responsible for accomplishing the current task (shared projects only).avatar
- The 35x35 pixels image of the user's avatar.project
- The name of the project holding the task.
- Default value:
['content', 'duedate', 'countdown', 'priority', 'labels', 'assignee', 'avatar', 'project']
- Example:
displayOrder: ['duedate', 'content']
will display tasks using two columns. The "duedate" column will be on the left and the "content" column on the right.
Set custom colors to associate with each priority from lowest to highest.
- Possible values:
priority: hexcode
- Default value:
priorityColors: {1: '#333333', 2: '#246fe0', 3: '#eb8909', 4: '#d1453b'}
Note: 1 is the LOWEST priority; 4 is the HIGHEST or most urgent priority
[!WARNINGING] If you include this setting, you must include all four priorities within the brackets!
Method to indicate project for each task.
- Possible values:
- displays the name of the project onlycolor
- displays the color of the project onlyboth
- displays the name of the project surrounded by a border in the project color
- Default value:
displayProjectAs: 'both',
Note: This setting has no effect if the project
column is not included in the displayOrder
Method to indicate the header of each column displayed
- Possible values:
- displays the name columnicons
- displays an icon representing the information in the columnnone
- excludes any headers from displaying
- Default value:
displayColumnHeadings: 'icons'
Maximum number of tasks to be shown.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
maximumEntries: 30,
How often the module should load new todos.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
interval: 30*60*1000,
will check for task updates every 30 minutes
Be careful, this is in ms, NOT seconds! So, too low a number will lock you out for repeated server attempts!
Fade todos to black. (Gradient)
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Default value:
fade: false,
How far down the list does fading start
- Possible values:
(top - bottom) - Default value:
- Example:
fadePoint: 0.50,
will begin fading tasks halfway through the list
Opacity of the last item if fade is enabled.
- Possible values:
(completely transparent - no fade) - Default value:
will cause the bottom task to be mostly transparent - Example:
fadeMinimumOpacity: 0.10,
will cause the bottom task to be almost completely transparent
This will determine the sorting method used when displaying your tasks.
- Possible values:
- Sort based on the order in Todoist.'priority'
- Sort based on the priority, in Descending order. (Highest priority first)'dueDateAsc'
- Sort based on the Due Date of the Todo Ascending. (Oldest date first)'dueDateDesc'
- Sort based on the Due Date of the Todo Descending. (Newest date first)'dueDateDescPriority'
- Sort based on the Due Date of the Todo Descending and by priority high to low.
- Default value:
- Example:
sortType: 'dueDateDesc',
Maximum number of characters to display on the same line in one column
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
maxTitleLength: 40,
will show only the first 40 characters of the task content
Only display tasks with a due date within set number of days or are past due.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
(display all tasks) - Example:
will only display tasks that are due today or are past due
Note: This will not affect the display of tasks without a due date.
Controls if tasks without a due date are displayed.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
displayTasksWithoutDue: false,
will display only tasks with due dates
Controls if subtasks are displayed or not.
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
displaySubtasks: false,
will not display any subtasks under included tasks
Hide widget (including header) when no tasks meet criteria for display
- Possible values:
- Default value:
- Example:
hideWhenEmpty: true,
will cause the entire module to disappear if no tasks would be displayed
The following is an example of a default configuation object that includes all settings.
config: {
accessTokens: [],
projects: [],
labels: [],
filters: ["Priority 4],
maximumEntries: 10,
sortType: "todoist",
displayOrder: ["content", "duedate", "countdown", "priority", "labels", "assignee", "avatar", "project"],
displayProjectAs: "both",
displayColumnHeadings: "icons",
maxTitleLength: 50,
displayTasksWithoutDue: true,
displayTasksWithinDays: -1,
displaySubtasks: true,
reloadInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000,
fade: true,
fadePoint: 0.25,
fadeMinimumOpacity: 0.25,
priorityColors: {
1: "#333333",
2: "#246fe0",
3: "#eb8909",
4: "#d1453b"
debug: true,
Install all with npm install
command in module directory.
This project is based on work done by Chris Booker in the MMM-Todoist module ( Paul-Vincent Roll in the MMM-Wunderlist module. (