apna_shopping_mart Public
A fully functional e-commerce website for purchasing different games
Node-js-functionalities Public
This repository contains very useful restful API's and functionalities in node-js containing many important tutorial code for mastering node-js, all tutorials have been published on medium.com, tut…
book-review Public
amazing web app to find reviews of great book along with their basic details by great critics authenticated by the super user to add review of any book
pro-weather-app Public
It's a weather app to predict the future weather of any region using weather api
Dynamic-quizapp Public
It's a quiz app designed in node.js using local json files as our database. Here you can give any quiz as well as to create any quiz and the top 10 performers of each quiz will be listed on the lea…
my-weatherapp Public
It's an awesome weather app developed using node-js, express and using open weather api for showing correct weather of any searched region by the user.
Node.js-Music-Player Public
It is a music player developed using node.js and SoundCloud API for running random music using the api
real-time-chat Public
This is the perfect app you can find to chat with your buddies in separate rooms
first_chatapp Public
An online chatting portal where more than 1 million people can join together and have a chat
hackathon_1.0 Public
An event registration site portal for hackathon1.0 powered by hackerearth( open repo for the website link)
Be-a-booker Public
It's a book-author app designed in node.js, express and mongodb for adding any author and then author can add their books
Hackathon Public
It's a college portal with admin login too having payment gateway also
twilio_free_servies Public
It is made using twilio free sms api for sending free sms to the user in nodejs
Text-Translator-using-Nodejs Public
It is a text translate which translate any text of any language to any other language supported by google at free of cost
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2021 -
jina Public
Forked from jina-ai/serveCloud-native neural search framework for 𝙖𝙣𝙮 kind of data
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 25, 2021 -
Let-s-do-DSA Public
Forked from Codeking14/Let-s-do-DSARepo having Codes for important DSA for coding interviews
C++ UpdatedOct 25, 2021 -
panda_voice_assistant Public
It is an indian version of jarvis developed in python(please open repo to read about all it's functionalities), here we have our personal voice commentator called panda_voice_assisstant
swayamkriti-frontend Public
Forked from ashu2305/swayamkriti-frontendThis web-app provides a platform for a number of utilities, starting with mentoring to an amazing feature of buy-sell along with an admin connection from where the notification can push into your d…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 17, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest Public
Forked from harshchhabra37/HacktoberfestThis is the list of repos accepting merge requests under Hacktoberfest repo.
UpdatedOct 5, 2021 -
google-translate-api Public
Forked from vitalets/google-translate-apiA free and unlimited API for Google Translate 💵 🚫
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2021 -
Cryptocurrency-price-CLI Public
It is a command line index based application developed using node.js to show the price of cryptocurrency on command line
Blogapp-tutorials Public
Repository for web-development classes for developing a complete blog-app using MERN as our tech-stack.
100-Days-Of-ML-Code Public
Forked from Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code100 Days of ML Coding
web-development-resources Public
Forked from markodenic/web-development-resourcesAwesome Web Development Resources.
awesome-github-profile-readme-templates Public
Forked from durgeshsamariya/awesome-github-profile-readme-templatesThis repository contains best profile readme's for your reference.
4 UpdatedJan 1, 2021 -
creative-profile-readme Public
Forked from coderjojo/creative-profile-readmeA Collection of GitHub Profiles with awesome readme
1 UpdatedDec 31, 2020 -
My-blog-app Public
A blog web-app back-end written in node-js where you can publish your blog for free as well as to read any blog
text-to-handwriting Public
Forked from saurabhdaware/text-to-handwritingSo your teacher asked you to upload written assignments? Hate writing assigments? This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2020