Welcome to the JavaScript A-Z Repository! This repository is a comprehensive collection of JavaScript topics organized alphabetically from A to Z. Each folder represents a letter and contains one or more JavaScript topics starting with that letter. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find valuable learning resources and code examples in each section.
The repository is structured as follows:
/A ├── ArrayMethods.md ├── AsynchronousProgramming.md /B ├── BindCallApply.md ├── BigInt.md /C ├── Closures.md ├── Classes.md ... /C ├── Closures.md ├── Classes.md ... /Z ├── ZeroBasedIndexing.md ├── ZippingArrays.md
Below is an overview of the JavaScript topics included in each folder:
- Array Methods: Explanation and examples of common array methods like
, etc. - Asynchronous Programming: Understanding callbacks, promises, and async/await in JavaScript.
- Bind, Call, and Apply: How to use these methods to control the value of
in functions. - BigInt: Working with large integers beyond the
type in JavaScript.
- Closures: What closures are and how they work in JavaScript.
- Classes: Introduction to ES6 classes, inheritance, and class syntax.
- Destructuring Assignment: Simplifying object and array assignment.
- Date and Time: Working with JavaScript’s
- Event Loop: Understanding how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations.
- Error Handling: Try-catch blocks and error handling strategies.
... (Add similar descriptions for each letter and its topics)
- Zero-Based Indexing: Why JavaScript arrays use zero-based indexing.
- Zipping Arrays: Techniques for combining multiple arrays element-wise.
- indexedDB
- priorty of Execution in eventloop
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mrinaljain/javascript-a-z.git
Explore the topics: Navigate to the folder corresponding to the JavaScript topic you want to learn. Each folder contains markdown files explaining the topic with examples and best practices.
Run the examples: Some folders may contain JavaScript files (.js). You can run these examples directly in your local environment.
Contributions are welcome! If you have additional JavaScript topics to add or improvements to existing ones, feel free to submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the structure of the repository and include proper documentation.