This tool will root your termux without superuser no root required. In case of any hactivity i am not responsible for your hactivity " Don't Be Evil " Don't Act Like A Smart
its just a simple script which will allow you to become root user without rooting your phone. To become root user install this tool and restart your terminal to become root user. Every time you enter in to termux it will automatically grant root permission to your termux no need to manually become root which is autoamted to become root
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git clone
cd RootMe
chmod 777
choose your type of install
- Boot2Root
- JustRoot
now it will automatically install all requirements and root your termux wait for a while it will install when it sucsessfully installed just restart your termux to become Root user or type root to become root user
use this tool for educational purpose only stay leagel
Note: It's not a absolute root it is a mini kali linux os running virtually on termux Root credits to Anlinux
Tool created By Ajay
Contact me :
Instagram Id :- tamilhackz_
Telegram group :- Tamilhackz
Twitter :- TamilHackz
youtube :- Tamil Hackz