A conference management solution from Eldarion.
Built with the generous support of the Python Software Foundation.
See http://eldarion.com/symposion/ for commercial support, customization and hosting
Get your environment set up:
$ virtualenv pycona-2013-web-env
$ . pyconca-2013-web-env/bin/activate
$ git clone git://github.com/pyconca/2013-web.git pyconca-2013-web
$ cd pyconca-2013-web
If you're using XCode 4 on Snow Leopard:
export ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64"
If you're still using Python 2.6 (stop that, use 2.7!):
$ pip install importlib
Install requirements and reset the development environment:
$ make reset
User 'admin@example.com' created with password 'asdf'
Start the server! Go to http://localhost:6544/
; you can log in with
$ make run
./manage.py runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4.3, using settings 'symposion_project.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
For internationalization/i18n, either do:
$ make i18n
...or the good old way:
# change the symposion_project directory
$ cd symposion_project
$ django-admin.py makemessages -a
# now make changes to generated .po files ...
$ django-admin.py compilemessages
# go back to project root directory
$ cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
# also need to change symposion directory
$ cd symposion
$ django-admin.py makemessages -a
# now make changes to generated .po files ...
$ django-admin.py compilemessages
To build documentation::
$ make docs
$ ssh pycon.ca
$ cd /data/web/2013.pycon.ca/pyconca
$ . /data/virtualenvs/2013.pycon.ca/bin/activate
$ git pull # Note the hash, I usually push a deploy tag from my local repo pointed at this hash
$ make restart_prod