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justinmayer edited this page Jan 18, 2013 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Pelican wiki!

Getting Started

For information on the current release version, please refer to the Pelican documentation. For those using the bleeding-edge version, refer to the corresponding in-development documentation.

Additional themes can be found in the Pelican Themes repository.

Getting Help

If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions, please start by striking up a conversation on #pelican on Those who don't have an IRC client handy can jump in immediately via IRC webchat. Because of differing time zones, you may not get an immediate response to your question, but please be patient and stay logged into IRC — someone will almost always respond. If for some reason you cannot stay in the IRC channel long enough to wait for an answer to your question, you can later review the Pelican IRC logs at your leisure to see if someone has answered your question.

If you are unable to resolve your issue or if you have a feature request, please refer to the issue tracker.


Pelican is continually being refined by an active development team. Contributions are encouraged and appreciated, even if you are new to Python and/or GitHub. Refer to the How to Contribute documentation and our Git Tips page for more details.

Sites Powered by Pelican

For examples of Pelican sites please see Powered by Pelican. If you have a Pelican site of your own please feel free to add it!

Tips & Tricks

If you have a tip that you feel doesn't belong in the documentation, feel free to add your own Tips & Tricks to the wiki.