Pug is a tool similar to HAML (or better its evolution) that allows you to abstract the html syntax, preventing errors and improving the speed of frontend development.
Check pug.js on:
Pug4Py is a simple script that allows you to use all the functions of Pug (NodeJs) in any python framework with the addition that you can also use the mako syntax (a popular and fast template engine for python).
Here is a small example of usage:
from pug4py.pug import Pug
pug = Pug("pug")
def say_hello():
return "Hello World"
pug.render("example.pug", say_hello=say_hello, year="2019", author="https://github.com/multiversecoder/pug4py")
You need Python 3.7 or later to run pug4py, node v12.10.0 and yarn
In Ubuntu, Mint and Debian you can install Requirements like this:
$ apt-get install python3 python3-pip
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.10.0 | sudo -E bash -
$ apt update && apt install nodejs
$ curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
$ apt update && apt install yarn
For fedora
$ dnf install python3 python3-pip
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.10.0 | sudo -E bash -
$ dnf update && dnf install nodejs
$ curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
$ dnf install yarn
For other systems
- Install Python3
- Install Nodejs
- Install Yarn
Pug will be installed implicitly when the Pug class is initialized and installed inside the pug4py package directory
pug4py can be installed using pip:
$ python3 -m pip install -U pug4py
$ pip install pug4py
for install pug4py from source:
$ git clone https://github.com/multiversecoder/pug4py
$ cd ./pug4py
$ pip install .
pug4py is beta software, but it has already been used in production and it has an extensive test suite.