T-HYDRA is a modified version of original thc-hydra for better use inside Termux . 
Earlier , hydra pakage had been with Termux repositories. Then after termux officially stopped for supporting Hashcat, Hydra, Metasploit and Sqlmap pakages . 
- Modified Directories
- Fix Some ssl connecting issues
- set paths for /usr/bin
- Include a Automate Script which supporting for Gmail , FTP , SSH , RDP , VNC , Telnet , MySQL Bruteforcing .
$ Alternatives - You can still install hydra pakage with 'apt install hydra' command by installing a virtual distro in Termux .
- apt update
- apt upgrade
- git clone https://github.com/isuruwa/T-HYDRA
- cd T-HYDRA/Files
- bash thyins.sh
After installing you can use 'thydra' command to access automate menu & 'hydra' command to access hydra pakage in any directory