lib_fsm is not maintained anymore at Netwo but its maintainer continue to work on it [here](
[x] User-defined state support: let your user specify their own state machine while still ensuring consistency
[x] Multi-tenant: each row/column from your table can reference a state in another state machine
[x] Historical support: successful state changes are recorded
[x] Complete API
[x] Fully tested
[x] Visual graph generation
A finite state machine has states
, events
and transitions
A state machine can go from one state
to another state
through a transition
State change is triggered with an event
A transition is a tuple of a start (previous) state
, the event
that will trigger the transition and a next state
An abstract state machine
describe a state machine
, its (abstract) state
and (abstract) transition
A state machine
is an instance of an abstract state machine
and points to an abstract state
, thus an abstract state machine
A consistent naming convention is essential to build a futur-proof project.
Use shared SQL convention as well as an SQL linter.
must be a verb
verb tense must be either at the simple past (+ed) or at present progressive (+ing)
snake_case if multiple words (e.g.
Examples: opened, loading, loaded, recorded, closed, locked, dumped, shipped, finished, running, failed, entered, enabled, disabled, approved, published, archived, activated, pending, pending_renewal, expired, ordered, canceled, returned, refunded, checked_out
A trigger on every tables that listen to the table state column and that have a custom type like lib_fsm.state_machine
to know it must be monitored.
Custom types in PostgreSQL requires a C extension
C extensions are not supported in PostgreSQL managed environments
The previous idea but instead of a custom type, we rely on a composite type (last_state, abstract_machine__id)
Easier to maintain
Does not need column names convention
No foreign key on abstract_machine__id (ensure referential integrity with a trigger)
No foreign key on abstract_machine__id (ensuring referential integrity with a trigger would require a schema introspection to retrieve all columns of type lib_fsm.state_machine.abstract_machine\__id === old.abstract_machine__id)
Externalize each machine current states to an independent table.
Each state is linked to a finite state machine (see abstract state machine
The table schema explicitly states that one of more columns are each linked to their state machine
Supports multiple state (e.g. a contract might two columns, a
and awriting_status
Looking at a table, you don’t know the value of the current state (e.g. a contract status attribute). It requires an extra join.
❏ add support for versioning
❏ add support for transition
❏ add support for transition
: 0-N triggers, what events should automatically trigger the transition -
❏ add support for transition
: 0-N (cf: ui-predicate), requires implementinglib_rule_engine
first -
❏ add support for transition
: 0-N, these pre-conditions are run before displaying available events from 'from_state' post_actions (0-N, what to do once we switched toto_state
Code is written following standard SQL-convention.