What this gem currenly does:
It inserts a table/model into your application called "regioncodes" and provides class methods to retrieve geographical regions, municipalities ,towns. communes within your controller.
It also provides tasks for inserting/migrating the table and importing the region data from the data folder.
Regioncodes depends on fastercsv plugin (you need it in order to parse the csv file in data folder)
How to install this plugin within your Ruby on Rails application:
ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/nkokkos/regioncodes.git
How to create/migrate the regioncodes table:
At the root of your application do :
rake db:migrate:regioncodes
How to insert the data (about 20,000+ records) into the table (it will take some time (15 mins) depending on the version of ruby you have. Ruby version 1.9 should be fast):
rake regioncodes:insertdata
If you want to test the insertdata task, go to the tasks folder and modify the task command, in order to import a different smaller file from the data folder (e.g test_data_csv)
How to unistall this plugin: At the root of your rails app do:
rake db:migrate:regioncodes version=0 (this will delete the regioncodes table)
and then manually delete the plugin from the vendor folder
There is a demo application that uses this plugin at
Copyright (c) 2010 [Nick Kokkos], released under the MIT license