This project is an attempt of implementing and improving on the work of Sheshera Mysore, Tim O'Gorman, Andrew McCallum, Hamed Zamani titled "CSFCube - A Test Collection of Computer Science Papers for Faceted Query by Example"
The dataset can be found here:
The paper describing the dataset can be accessed here:
In research, it is naturally difficult to express in- formation requirements as simple keyword queries because they can have a very broad meaning and we might not be able to retrieve a specific section from the whole bundle of documents. A far more effective way to understand the needs of the user is by asking them to give a research paper deemed as relevant to their aspirations. Hence, we aim to envsion and develop a model that is able to retrieve scientific papers analogous to a query scientific paper, along specifically chosen rhetorical structure elements (facets/aspects), like background/objective, method and results. So we frame our task as one of retrieving scientific papers given a query paper and additional information indicating the query facet. We want to give any researcher the freedom to ask – “I came across the paper XYZ during my research and am extremely inclined towards the results and mathematical background given by the author. Can you please get me some more papers that I might find relevant to my research?”
The requirements.txt
file should list all Python libraries that your notebooks
depend on, and they will be installed using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the file QBE-KLDivLoss.ipynb/QBE-NLLLoss.ipynb
in jupyter-notebook/vscode with jupyter-npotebook extension and run all cells to train the Neural Network.
The training weights will be stored in the models-NLLLoss/
This will take time so we recommend skipping the training step and moving ahead to testing the result of our Neural Network.
The app has been deployed here.
If for any reason the above link does not work, please find a copy of the model also hosted here
The user may choose the facet from the options- Background, method and result.
The user may choose the encoding scheme and also the loss function for training the model
Finally, enter the search query and the number of documents to be retrieved.
You will find the list of ranked documents in the Query Result section.
Note: If then above 2 links fail to open kindly install streamlit using the command (you might have already installed it while installing requirements.txt)-
pip install streamlit
To test installation, use-
streamlit hello
To run streamlit app enter the command given below-
cd gui/
streamlit run
If you are having trouble in installing pip please refer this website:
├── data/abstracts-csfcube-preds-no-unicode.jsonl
├── data/abstracts-csfcube-preds.json
├── data/abstracts-csfcube-preds.jsonl
├── data/evaluation_splits.json
├── data/test-pid2anns-csfcube-background.json
├── data/test-pid2anns-csfcube-method.json
├── data/test-pid2anns-csfcube-result.json
├── data/test-pid2pool-csfcube.json
: jsonl/json file containing the paper-id, abstracts, titles, and metadata for the queries and candidates which are part of the test collection.
: jsonl file containing the same content as abstracts-csfcube-preds.{jsonl/json}
minus the unicode characters.
: JSON file with the query paper-id, candidate paper-ids for every query paper in the test collection. Use these files in conjunction with abstracts-csfcube-preds.jsonl
to generate files for use in model evaluation.
: JSON file query paper-id, candidate paper-ids and the methods which caused the candidate to be included in the pool. The methods are one among {abs_tfidf, abs_cbow200, abs_tfidfcbow200, title_tfidf, title_cbow200, title_tfidfcbow200, specter, cited}. This file is included to facilitate further analysis of the dataset.
: Paper-ids for the splits to use in reporting evaluation numbers. eval_scripts
implements the evaluation protocol and computes evaluation metrics.
├── QBE-KLDivLoss.ipynb
├── QBE-NLLLoss.ipynb
├── __pycache__
├── data
├── gui
├── models-KLDivLoss
├── models-NLLLoss
├── plots-KLDivLoss
├── plots-NLLLoss
├── preprocess
└── requirements.txt
The structure and purpose of each and every file/directory is cleary mentioned below-
├── abstracts-csfcube-preds-no-unicode.jsonl
├── abstracts-csfcube-preds.json
├── abstracts-csfcube-preds.jsonl
├── bert_nli
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── bert_pp
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── evaluation_splits.json
├── scibert_cased
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── scibert_uncased
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── specter
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── susimcse
│ ├── all.json
│ ├── background.json
│ ├── method.json
│ └── result.json
├── test-pid2anns-csfcube-background.json
├── test-pid2anns-csfcube-method.json
├── test-pid2anns-csfcube-result.json
├── test-pid2pool-csfcube.json
└── unsimcse
├── all.json
├── background.json
├── method.json
└── result.json
This folder contains the dataset as discussed above. It also contains the embeddings generated in the precrocessing step.
This folder contains the weights of the Neural Network after training using KLDivLoss.
This folder contains the weights of the Neural Network after training using NLLLoss.
This folder contains the results measured by metrics such as-accuracy and loss for various facets using different encoding scheme when trained using KLDivLoss.
This folder contains the results measured by metrics such as-accuracy and loss for various facets using different encoding scheme when trained using NLLLoss.
This folder contains code for creating a front-end portal for our model. We built and hosted this portal using Streamlit.
├── embeddings.ipynb
This file contains code for parsing the dataset to get individual sentences belonging to the classes- background,method and result.
NOTE: It is not recommended that you run the embeddings.ipynb file as it will download GBs of data and take a lot of time to run. The embeddings have already been calculated and stored in data/
folder, so further files will run without any issues.
This file contains code for creating embeddings using pre-trained models such as-
Unsupervised Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings (UnSimCSE)
Supervised Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings (SuSimCSE)
Cased BERT Model for Scientific Text (SciBERT-cased)
Uncased BERT Model for Scientific Text (SciBERT-uncased)
BERT Model with Natural Language Interface (BERT-NLI)
BERT Model for Paraphrase (BERT-PP)
Scientific Paper Embeddings using Citation-informed Transformers (SPECTER)
This file contains python packages which we have employed for building our IR model.
The file QBE-KLDivLoss.ipynb contains code for our IR model trained using KLDivLoss.
More on KLDivLoss can be found here:
The file QBE-KLDivLoss.ipynb contains code for our IR model trained using NLLLoss.
More on NLLLoss can be found here:
The results can be found in the report.