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Determine the set of requirements for a given node.js file, directory tree, or module

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Determine dependencies for a given node.js file, directory tree, or module in code or on the command line


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Installing require-analyzer

  [sudo] npm install require-analyzer

NOTE: If you're using npm >= 1.0 then you need to add the -g parameter to install require-analyzer globally.


There are two distinct ways to use the require-analyzer library: from the command line or through code. The command line tool is designed to work with package.json files so make sure that you have created one for your project first. Checkout jitsu for a quick and easy way to create a package.json.

For more information read our blog post at

Command-line usage

Using require-analyzer from the command line is easy. The binary will attempt to read the package.json file in the current directory, then analyze the dependencies and cross reference the result.

  $ require-analyzer --help
  usage: require-analyzer [options] [directory]

  Analyzes the node.js requirements for the target directory. If no directory
  is supplied then the current directory is used

    --update     Update versions for existing dependencies
    -h, --help   You're staring at it

Here's a sample of require-analyzer analyzing its own dependencies:

  $ require-analyzer
  info:  require-analyzer starting in /Users/Charlie/Nodejitsu/require-analyzer
  warn:  No dependencies found
  info:  Analyzing dependencies...
  info:  Done analyzing raw dependencies
  info:  Retrieved packages from npm
  info:  Additional dependencies found
  data:  {
  data:    findit: '>= 0.0.3',
  data:    npm: '>= 0.3.18'
  data:  }
  info:  Updating /Users/Charlie/Nodejitsu/require-analyzer/package.json
  info:  require-analyzer updated package.json dependencies

Programmatic usage

The easiest way to use require-analyzer programmatically is through the .analyze() method. This method will use fs.stat() on the path supplied and attempt one of three options:

  1. If it is a directory that has a package.json, analyze require statements from package.main
  2. If it is a directory with no package.json analyze every .js or .coffee file in the directory tree
  3. If it is a file, then analyze require statements from that individual file.

Lets dive into a quick sample usage:

  var analyzer = require('require-analyzer');

  var options = {
    target: 'path/to/your/dependency' // e.g /Users/some-user/your-package
    reduce: true

  var deps = analyzer.analyze(options, function (err, pkgs) {
    // Log all packages that were discovered

  // The call the `.analyze()` returns an `EventEmitter` which outputs
  // data at various stages of the analysis operation.
  deps.on('dependencies', function (raw) {
    // Log the raw list of dependencies (no versions)

  deps.on('search', function (pkgs) {
    // Log the results from the npm search operation with the current
    // active version for each dependency

  deps.on('reduce', function (reduced) {
    // Logs the dependencies after they have been cross-referenced with
    // sibling dependencies. (i.e. if 'foo' requires 'bar', 'bar' will be removed).

Further analyzing dependencies

Sometimes when dealing with dependencies it is necessary to further analyze the dependencies that are returned. require-analyzer has a convenience method for doing just this:

  var analyzer = require('require-analyzer');

  var current = {
    'foo': '>= 0.1.0'

  var updated = {
    'foo': '>= 0.2.0',
    'bar': '>= 0.1.0'

  var updates = analyzer.updates(current, updated);

  // This will return an object literal with the differential
  // updates between the two sets of dependencies:
  // {
  //   added: { 'bar': '>= 0.1.0' },
  //   updated: { 'foo': '>= 0.2.0' }
  // }


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