Software development kit for sharing workflows across CI/CD pipelines.
Such a project aims to enforce parity and reproducability between local development and CI/CD workflows in remote containers (e.g. executable versions, command line calls, environment variables...) - developped with inv[oke]
Install the package from the PyPi repository:
$ pip install noos-inv
To enable shell completion, execute the following command (e.g. zsh
$ noosinv --print-completion-script=zsh
And copy/paste its stdout
into your shell config.
# NOOSINV completion script
_complete_noosinv() {
if [[ "${words}" =~ "(-c|--collection) [^ ]+" ]]; then
reply=( $(noosinv ${=collection_arg} --complete -- ${words}) )
compctl -K _complete_noosinv + -f noosinv
Finally, still in your shell config, enable automatic sub shell loading:
# ENV variable sub shell loading with command "source .env"
set -a
The noos-inv
package installs a CLI binary, for managing common CI/CD tasks.
From the terminal,
$ noosinv
Usage: noosinv [--core-opts] <subcommand> [--subcommand-opts] ...
Subcommands: Build Docker image locally.
docker.buildx Build and push x-platform Docker image to a remote registry.
docker.configure Create and configure buildx builder for multi-platform.
docker.login Login to Docker remote registry (AWS ECR or Dockerhub).
docker.pull Pull Docker image from a remote registry.
docker.push Push Docker image to a remote registry.
git.config Setup git credentials with a Github token.
helm.install Provision local Helm client (Chart Museum Plugin).
helm.lint Check compliance of Helm charts / values.
helm.login Login to Helm remote registry (AWS ECR or Chart Museum).
helm.push Push Helm chart to a remote registry (AWS ECR or Chart Museum).
helm.test Test local deployment in Minikube.
local.dotenv Create local dotenv file.
local.ports Forward ports for defined Kubernetes pods.
python.clean Clean project from temp files / dirs.
python.coverage Run coverage test report.
python.format Auto-format source code.
python.lint Run python linters.
python.package Build project wheel distribution.
python.release Publish wheel distribution to PyPi.
python.test Run pytest with optional grouped tests. Run a plan in Terraform cloud.
terraform.update Update variable in Terraform cloud.
Source your environnement variables first for a seamless experience.
(use command local.dotenv
to create it from the provided template)
$ source .env
OS variable to your shell config, as the path to a local configuration file:
"podForwards": {
"pod_1": {
"podNamespace": "default",
"podPrefix": "service-1-",
"podPort": 80,
"localPort": 8000
"pod_2": {
"podNamespace": "test",
"podPrefix": "service-2-",
"podPort": 8080,
"localPort": 8000,
"localAddress": ""
To start port forwarding a specific K8S cluster pod:
$ noosinv local.ports -p pod_1
To kill all previous port forward processes:
$ noosinv local.ports -u
Or previously opened port forward:
$ noosinv local.ports -p pod_1 -u
Make sure poetry has been installed and pre-configured,
This project is shipped with a Makefile, which is ready to do basic common tasks.
$ make
help Display this auto-generated help message
update Lock and install build dependencies
clean Clean project from temp files / dirs
format Run auto-formatting linters
install Install build dependencies from lock file
lint Run python linters
test Run pytest with all tests
package Build project wheel distribution
release Publish wheel distribution to PyPi