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TDK - Proof of Concept

Ease the TYPO3 Composer based Contribution Setup. Run composer create-project ochorocho/tdk <target-folder-name> and answer the command prompts as needed. If you want the current dev version add --stability=dev to the command.

This command guides you through the process of setting up a composer based TYPO3 CoreDev environment.

Command prompts

  • What is your TYPO3/Gerrit Account Username? : Username used on which in most cases is your login
  • Setup Commit Message Hook? [y/n] : default=y
  • Setup Pre Commit Hook? [y/n] : default=y
  • Create a basic ddev config? [y/n] : default=y


├── composer.json   # Ordinary composer.json with some handy scripts
├── .gitmessage.txt # Commit message template
├── packages        # Additional local packages/extensions
└── typo3-core      # TYPO3 repository (master branch)  

Additional Composer commands/scripts

composer <command>

  • tdk:setup: Setup everything to run a Composer based CoreDev Setup
  • tdk:clear: Delete all files and folder
  • tdk:remove-hooks: Delete created hooks in .git/hooks
  • tdk:enable-hooks: Create hooks copied from the TYPO3 repository
  • tdk:set-commit-template: Configure TYPO3 repository to use .gitmessage.txt as commit message template
  • tdk:set-push-url: Set Gerrit as remote to push patches to
  • tdk:ddev-config: Create a basic ddev configuration
  • tdk:help: Show summary with links to the TYPO3 Contribution Guide
  • tdk:doctor: Show potential issues
  • typo3: Shortcut to run TYPO3 Commands
  • tdk:apply-patch: Apply Gerrit patch e.g. composer tdk:apply-patch -- --ref=refs/changes/75/72275/17

Demo run
