QtUtils is a set of basic utilities that I consider should be part of Qt API. It contains many helpers that improve the Qt experience, from dealing with enum
to usage of pointers.
- Platform: Windows, MacOS, Linux.
- CMake 3.21+
- Qt 6.0.0+
Add the library as a dependency with CMake FetchContent.
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(QtUtils GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/oclero/qtutils.git" ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(QtUtils)
Link with the library in CMake.
target_link_libraries(your_project oclero::QtUtils)
Include headers in your C++ file.
#include <oclero/QtConnectionUtils.hpp>
This connection handling will be called only once.
oclero::singleShotConnect(this, &SomeClass::someSignalTriggered, []() {
// Do stuff.
This connection will be closed when it is destroyed, i.e. when the scope it belongs ends. It's a RAII
.oclero::QtScopedConnection scopedConnection = QObject::connect(this, &SomeClass::someSignalTriggered, []() { // Do stuff. });
container will close its content RAII-style.oclero::QtScopedConnections scopedConnections; scopedConnections.add(QObject::connect(this, &SomeClass::someSignalTriggered, []() { // Do stuff. }));
and vice-versa. Checks if the value is valid.auto str = oclero::enumToString(SomeEnum::SomeValue); auto value = oclero::enumFromString<SomeEnum>("SomeValue");
and checks if the value is valid.auto value = oclero::enumFromInt(3);
Tired of writing a new class just to hook on an event? Now you can just write this:
oclero::EventFilter<QEvent::MouseButtonPress>::install(watchedObject, [](QMouseEvent* e) {
// Do stuff.
// Return 'true' to block the event propagation, 'false' otherwise.
return false;
All corresponding QEvent
-derived classes have been mapped to their corresponding QEvent::Type
, so you don't even have to cast the QEvent
or worry about its type.
A unique pointer that will call
instead ofdelete
when its scope ends.oclero::QtDeleteLaterScopedPointer<QObject> scopedPointer(rawPointer);
Utilities to make saving and retrieving values with QSettings
more convenient.
QSettings settings;
auto value = oclero::loadSetting<int>(settings, "key", 3 /* default value */);
oclero::saveSetting(settings, "key", 3);
oclero::clearSetting(settings, "key");
Olivier Cléro | email | website | github | gitlab
Thanks to Thomas Donel for his help.
QtUtils is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.