Utility module for sending a Slack message when render start/finish or render error.
Install the module via Git :
npm i -g https://github.com/oksr/nexrender-action-slack-message
At first, If you don't already have a Slack app, you'll need to create one.
It is best to follow the practice at Slack offical documentation: https://api.slack.com/apis/connect
Once you created the app, give it the correct scope and add it to your workspace and channel - you can use this module.
You'll need to declare new env variable named SLACK_TOKEN with the value you got from slack - starting with "xoxb-..."
Finally, you add the module for pre/postrender messages as you wish:
"module": "nexrender-action-slack-message",
"conversationId": "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID_HERE",
"module": "nexrender-action-slack-message",
"conversationId": "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID_HERE",