Planetary System - Overview of the intersellar objeccts around us
A CRUD rest-api with vue to view and modify over planetsystems
Built with ❤︎ by OkYNaS
OS X, Linux and Windows:
git clone
To use this project, I usually ran it inside IntelliJ. So that is one possibility. You can also run it by using gradle and gradlew daemon.
10 Mars 2020 - 21 Mars 2020
Updated: 14.2.2022
If I had more time or want/wanted to improve something, it would have to be the styling of the project. Since it was a school project, and the underlying task was primarily to build backend in java (javalin). I didn't fokus enough on the frontend part. Also because we had a finished stylesheet (css).
I would also add docker to the project if I had more time.
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.