Functions deployed with Serverless framework to AWS Lambda at
Data storage - MongoDB Atlas. Build with TypeScript.
Postman collection can be used to test endpoints locally and remotely.
function | type | path | execution time | description |
createShortUrlByHash | http | POST /hash | -//- | Request a shortened url. Even if a url was already requested it should generate a new hash. |
getUrlByHash | http | GET /url | -//- | Get the url by using hash. |
getStatsByUrl | http | GET /stats/url | -//- | Get the statistics of a url.List of all hashes which were generated and list of ip addresses of users. |
cleanup | schedule | -//- | 0 0 * * ? * |
Cronjob which will delete every day at 12.00am hashes of URLs which are not longer used by 12 months. |
The hash is made of 8 characters using charset with 64 elements, meaning there
are 64^8 combinations. It is used as an _id
in MongoDB schema, so after
"cleanup" job hash becomes available again
Some things would be great to add:
- use base62 instead of base64 encoding for url hash. Additional characters
are not "friendly" for short-url; - add black list of urls, during creation check if url is not blacklisted or using bloom filter;
- use cache with ttl for entries in front of database;
- alerting in slack channel;
- based on usage of
GET /stats/url
data can be stored in HDFS or similar to enable stats being aggregated; - setup authorization for
GET /stats/url
, make it private;
Minimal requirements to set up the project:
- Node.js v12, installation instructions can be found on the official website, a recommended installation option is to use Node Version Manager. It can be installed in a few commands.
- A package manager npm. All instructions in the documentation will follow the npm syntax.
- Serverless
- docker-compose
- Optionally, a Git client.
Start by cloning the repository:
git clone
In case you don't have a git client, you can get the latest version directly by using this link and extracting the downloaded archive.
Go the the right directory and install dependencies:
cd brevis
npm install
Install serverless:
npm install -g serverless
Login to serverless:
sls login
That's it! You can now go to the next step.
Environment is managed with dotenv
Rename .env.example
to .env
Environment variable MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING should be present: f.e.:
Run mongodb
container in detached mode:
docker-compose up -d
Run tests with coverage:
npm run test:coverage
Alternatively serverless offline
can be used to run functions locally
(connection to local MongoDB or hosted should be provided):
sls offline start
It is possible to invoke functions locally (connection to local MongoDB or
hosted should be provided) with sls invoke local --function <functionName>
To shutdown database without delete all containers.
docker-compose stop
To shutdown database and delete all containers.
docker-compose down
All tests are being executed using Jest. All tests files live side-to-side with
a source code and have a common suffix: .spec.ts
. Some helper methods are
being stored in the test
There are three helper scripts to run tests in the most common scenarios:
npm run test
npm run test:watch
npm run test:coverage
GitHub Actions are configured and run the tests, linting,
formatting, spellcheck, types whenever a commit is pushed to this
repository master
or any other branch.
Also used to deploy automatically to AWS Lambda production
after PR merged to
This project uses Prettier to automate formatting.
npm run format
npm run format:fix
This project uses ESLint to enable static analysis.
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix