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Oliver Schmidt edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 7 revisions

Contiki OS for the C64 comes in three formats:

  • Three 171kB 1541 disk images (contiki-c64-1.d64, contiki-c64-2.d64 and contiki-c64-3.d64).
  • One 342kB 1571 disk image (contiki-c64.d71).
  • One 800kB 1581 disk image (contiki-c64.d81).

All five disk images are contained in the file.

Contiki OS for the C64 supports the RR-Net and the ETH64 Ethernet devices.

By default a standard 1351 mouse is supported. By renaming an alternative mouse driver to CONTIKI.MOU a different mouse can be supported (INKWELL.MOU for an Inkwell Systems lightpen, JOY.MOU for a standard joystick, e.g. a 1350 mouse and POT.MOU for a potentiometer device, e.g. a Koala Pad).


    Needs to be run once on every disk (image) in order to select the Ethernet device to use.

    Needs to be run once on every disk (image) in order to configure the Contiki TCP/IP stack. Both manual configuration and automatic configuration via DHCP is possible. Use Request IP Address for the latter.

    Text-based web browser with mouse support. Offers to exec WGET for non-HTML content. Quits on Ctrl+C.

    Text-based web browser with mouse support and software driven 80 columns. Offers to exec WGET for non-HTML content. Quits on Ctrl+C.

  • WGET
    Downloads content from a web server and saves it as file on the disk (image).

  • IRC
    Bare bones Internet Relay Chat client. Quits on Ctrl+C.

  • IRC80
    Bare bones Internet Relay Chat client with software driven 80 columns. Quits on Ctrl+C.

    Web server for static web pages. Just place *.HTM, *.CSS, *.PNG, *.GIF and *.JPG files on the disk (image) to have them served.

    Telnet daemon providing access to a simple shell for a Telnet client like PuTTY. In the shell you can type help to get a list of commands and use the pipe operator | to provide the output of one command as input to another command (e.g. wget | write google.htm).

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