Bu depoda TÜBİTAK 2209 'Fizyoterapi Egzersiz Doğrulama Sistemi' projesinin kodları yer almaktadır.
Transform your sketches into realistic images with AI. A Flutter app featuring free-hand drawing tools, AI image generation, and a credit system with premium features. Draw, convert, and share your…
A Flutter Speed Reading Game to enhance reading speed and comprehension. Features: Letter Search Game, Eye Focus Exercises, Speed Reading Practice. Includes progress tracking and customizable theme…
ABP Framework ile .NET 9 ve Blazor uzerinde cekilis uygulamasi gelistiriyoruz.
Manu-Computer design with quartus/(COMMON BUS + ALU + CONTROL UNIT)
Compare QuickSort-ShellSort-HeapSort (Referenced
Bluetooth controlled music player with arduino && Using Sd card module and Hc-05 bluetooth module
Simple MAN Simulation with using Cisco
sensored temperature and humidity and displayed 16*2 lcd
Using PIR sensor and led with arduino (simple motion detector led)
display clock and date on 16*2 lcd screen and also can change language with push button