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This Python SDK is designed to help developers easily integrate Onqlave Encryption As A Service into their python backend.

CI GitHub release License: MIT

Table of Contents


  • Encrypt/decrypt pieces of information
  • Encrypt/decrypt stream of data



  • Python 3.8 and above


To install, simply using this command:

pip install onqlave-python

You can also check the package detail on PyPI


To use this SDK, you firstly need to obtain credentials to access an Onqlave Arx by signing up to Onqlave and following instruction to create your first Onqlave Arx. Documentation can be found at Onqlave Technical Documentation.

The Onqlave Python module is used to perform operations on the configured Arx such as encrypting and decryptin for an Onqlave Arx.

To use this module, an Onqlave client should be initialized as follows. (Please note that there are 3 ways of loading configurations specified in the examples/ directory.)

from onqlave.encryption import options
from onqlave.encryption.encryption import Encryption
from onqlave.credentials.credentials import Credential
from onqlave.connection.client import RetrySettings

cred_file_path = "credentials.json"

arx_option = options.ArxOption()
credential_option = Credential()


retry_option = RetrySettings(count=1,wait_time=1,max_wait_time=2) 

encryption_engine = Encryption(


To encrypt data, use the encrypt(plaintext: bytearray, associated_data: bytearray) method of the Encryption service. The plaintext parameter is the bytearray representation of data you are wishing to encrypt. The associated_data parameter the bytearray representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

plaintext = "hello world" # your data goes here
associated_data = "auth" # your authentication data goes here
cipher_text = encryption_engine.encrypt(plaintext.encode(), associated_data.encode())


To decrypt data, use the decrypt(cipher_data: bytearray, associated_data: bytearray) method of the Encryption service. The cipher_data parameter is the bytearray representation of data you are wishing to decrypt (previousely encrypted). The associated_data parameter the bytearray representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

decrypted_ciphertext = encryption_engine.decrypt(cipher_text,associated_data.encode())

Encrypt Stream

To encrypt stream of data, use the encrypt_stream(plain_stream io.Reader, cipher_stream io.Writer, associated_data bytearray) method of the Encryption service. The plain_stream parameter is the io.Reader stream of data you are wishing to encrypt. The cipher_stream parameter is the io.Write stream you are wishing to write the cipher data to. The associated_data parameter the bytearray representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

plain_file_stream = open("path to your plaintext file","rb")
plain_stream = io.BytesIO(
cipher_stream = io.BytesIO()

Decrypt Stream

To decrypt data, use the decrypt_stream(cipher_stream, plain_stream io.BytesIO, associated_data []byte) method of the Encryption service. The cipher_stream parameter is the io.BytesIO() stream of data you are wishing to decrypt and it was originally encrypted using encrypt_stream. The plain_stream parameter is the io.BytesIO() stream you are wishing to write the plain data back to. The associated_data parameter the bytearray representation of associated data which can be used to improve the authenticity of the data (it is not mandatory), as shown below.

decrypted_stream = io.BytesIO()

with open(
    "path to your decrypted file",
) as result:

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a potential security issue in this project, please reach out to us at Please do not create public GitHub issues or Pull Requests, as malicious actors could potentially view them.