Sigma is an integrated development environment for logical theories that extend the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO). There is a public installation with read-only functions enabled linked from - click on the "Browse" link.
- Container-Based installation (Docker)
- Vagrant Virtual Machine installation
- Old Installation Notes (deprecated)
After installing, recommended reading is the Sigma manual
There is a video on installing Sigma, as well as many others about related tools at
To run, simply:
Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/sigma/login.html
Default credentials are: admin/admin
For other tips and debugging techniques:
It is highly recommended to build Ontologies with the SUMO plugin for jEdit. This plugin does text highlighting, syntax and type checking, and other features useful for building Ontologies.
jEdit can additionally be integrated into Sigmakee, which will allow you to click on a source file and line number for a statement in the Sigma Browse page and be taken to the editor, open on that line.
- See the SigmaRest project