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"Conductor" of model construction (frontend api of MDDO demo system).


+ model-conductor/     # (THIS repository)
  + doc/               # class documents (generated w/yard)
  + lib/               # library for appliation



  • Ruby >3.1.0 (development under ruby/3.1.0 and bundler/2.3.5)

Optional: Install ruby gems

# If you install gems into project local
# bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install

Environment variables

API entrypoints:

  • BATFISH_WRAPPER_HOST : batfish-wrapper host
  • NETOMOX_EXP_HOST : netomox-exp host

Log level variable:

  • MODEL_CONDUCTOR_LOG_LEVEL (default info)
  • select a value from fatal, error, warn, info and debug

Run REST API server

bundle exec rackup -s webrick -o -p 9292

For development: rerun watches file update and reload the server.

  • --force-polling in container with volume mount
rerun [--force-polling] bundle exec rackup -s webrick -o -p 9292


Operate model data

Generate snapshot topology from query data for all snapshots in a network

  • POST /conduct/<network>/<snnapshot>/topology
    • label: Label (description) of the physical snapshot
    • phy_ss_only: [optional] Flag to target only physical snapshots
    • use_parallel: [optional] Flag to use parallel processing for query-to-topology data generation stage
    • off_node: [optional] Node name to draw-off
    • off_intf_re: [optional] Interface name (regexp match) to draw-off in off_node
# model-info.json
# -> { "label": "description of the snapshot", ... }
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @model-info.json \

Static verification of network structure

Fetch subsets of a snapshot

  • GET /conduct/<network>/<snapshot>/subsets
curl http://localhost:9292/conduct/pusheed_configs/mddo_network/subsets

Fetch subset comparison data between physical and logical snapshots in a network

  • GET /conduct/<network>/<physical-snapshot>/subsets_diff
    • min_score: [optional] Ignore comparison data lower than this score (default: 0)
curl http://localhost:9292/conduct/pushed_configs/mddo_network/subsets_diff

L3 Reachability test

Run reachability test with test-pattern definition

  • GET /conduct/<network>/reachability
    • snapshoots: List of snapshot to test reachability
    • test_pattern: Test pattern definition
# test_pattern.json
# -> { "snapshots": ["mddo_network_linkdown_01", ...], "test_pattern": <test-pattern> }
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @test_pattern.json \

Snapshot diff

Take snapshot diff in a network

  • GET /conduct/<network>/snapshot_diff/<src_snapshot>/<dst_snapshot>
    • upper_layer3: [optional] compare layer3 or upper layer
curl -s "http://localhost:9292/conduct/mddo-ospf/snapshot_diff/emulated_asis/emulated_tobe?upper_layer3=true"

Take snapshot diff and write back (overwrite) as destination snapshot

  • POST /conduct/<network>/snapshot_diff/<src_snapshot>/<dst_snapshot>
    • upper_layer3: [optional] compare layer3 or upper layer
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "upper_layer3": true }' \

Convert snapshot namespace

Convert namespace of source snapshot and post it as destination snapshot

  • POST /conduct/<network>/ns_convert/<src_snapshot>/<dst_snapshot>
    • table_origin: [optional] Origin snapshot name to initialize convert table, Force update the convert table of a network if this option used.
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ "table_origin": "original_asis" }' \

Splice external topology

Splice external topology (external-AS topology) to snapshot topology.

  • POST /conduct/<network>/<snapshot>/splice_topology
    • ext_topology_data: external topology data (RFC8345 json) to splice
    • overwrite: [optional] true to write snapshot topology (default: true). If false, it does not modify snapshot topology (Only get spliced topology data)
# ext_topology.json : external topology data to splice (RFC8345 json)
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @<(jq '{ "overwrite": true, "ext_topology_data": . }' ext_topology.json) \

Add node/term-point attribute data


Currently, for bgp-proc only (to "patch" bgp policy or other attribute data). It used in bgp-policy-parser in PNI use-case of copy-to-emulated-env demo.

Add node/term-point attribute.

  • POST /conduct/<network>/<snapshot>/topology/<layer>/policies
    • node: node/term-point attribute (RFC8345-json format)
Patch data (bgp-policy-patch.json)
    "node": [
            "node-id": "",
            "ietf-network-topology:termination-point": [
                    "tp-id": "peer_192.168.255.2",
                    "mddo-topology:bgp-proc-termination-point-attributes": {
                        "import-policy": ["ibgp-export"]
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d @bgp-policy-patch.json \

Generate candidate config

Generate candidate configs from original_asis snapshot

  • POST /conduct/<network>/<snapshot>/candidate_topology
    • phase_number: Number of search iteration (phase)
    • candidate_number: Number of candidate configs
    • usecase: Usecase parameter
      • name: Usecase name
      • sources: Data sources for the usecase
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"candidate_number": 3, "usecase": { "name": "pni_te", "sources": ["params", "phase_candidate_opts"]}}' \
NOTE: "phase_candidate_opts" for multi_region_te or multi_src_as_te usecase "phase_candidate_opts.yaml" can include flow_data for candidate model generation. If with flow_data, candidate model is generated using the flow_data, prefix-set selection done by flow_data. But without flow_data, candidate model is simple selection, prefix-set selection done by sequential.
peer_asn: 65550
node: edge-tk01
interface: ge-0/0/1.0
flow_data: flows/event # csv


Optional: Build model-conductor container

model-conductor uses netomox gem that pushed on github packages. So, it need authentication to exec bundle install when building its container image. You have to pass authetication credential via ghp_credential environment variable like below:

  • USERNAME : your github username
  • TOKEN : your github personal access token (need read:packages scope)
ghp_credential="USERNAME:TOKEN" docker buildx build -t model-conductor --secret id=ghp_credential .

Generate YARD documents

YARD options are in .yardopts file.

bundle exec rake yard

Run yard document server (access http://localhost:8808/ with browser)

bundle exec yard server

Code analysis

bundle exec rake rubocop
# or
bundle exec rake rubocop:auto_correct