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This is a general tree-sitter parser grammar for the robots.txt.

A robots.txt file is a text file used to instruct web robots (often called crawlers or spiders) how to interact with pages on a website. Here is the basic syntax and rules for a robots.txt file:

  1. User-agent line: Specifies the robot(s) to which the rules apply.

    • User-agent: * - Applies to all robots.
    • User-agent: Googlebot - Applies specifically to Google's crawler.
  2. Disallow line: Specifies the files or directories that the specified robot(s) should not crawl.

    • Disallow: /directory/ - Disallows crawling of the specified directory.
    • Disallow: /file.html - Disallows crawling of the specific file.
    • Disallow: / - Disallows crawling of the entire site.
  3. Allow line (optional): Overrides a disallow rule for a specific file or directory.

    • Allow: /directory/file.html - Allows crawling of a specific file within a disallowed directory.
  4. Crawl-delay line (optional): Specifies the delay in seconds between successive requests to the site.

    • Crawl-delay: 10 - Sets a 10-second delay between requests.
  5. Sitemap line (optional): Directs robots to the location of the XML sitemap(s) for the website.

    • Sitemap: - Specifies the location of the XML sitemap.
  6. Comments: Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by robots. They can be used to annotate the file for humans.

Example robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /private.html
Allow: /public.html
Crawl-delay: 5

# This is a comment explaining the robots.txt file.


  • Wildcards (*) can be used in Disallow directives, e.g., Disallow: /*.pdf to block all PDF files.
  • Each directive (User-agent, Disallow, Allow, Crawl-delay, Sitemap) should be on a separate line.
  • Multiple rules can be specified for different user agents or directories by repeating User-agent and subsequent directives.

It's important to note that while robots.txt files provide guidance to well-behaved crawlers, malicious or poorly programmed crawlers may ignore these instructions. Therefore, they are primarily used for managing how legitimate search engines and web crawlers interact with a website.


  • Directives (User-agent, Disallow, Allow, Crawl-delay, Sitemap, Host)
  • Comments (# comment)
  • Unknown directives (X-Robots-Tag)


How to run & test:

npm install

npm run test


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