PyMPDATA is a high-performance Numba-accelerated Pythonic implementation of the MPDATA algorithm of Smolarkiewicz et al. used in geophysical fluid dynamics and beyond for numerically solving generalised convection-diffusion PDEs in 1D, 2D and 3D structured meshes with coordinate transformations.
In short, PyMPDATA numerically solves the following equation:
where scalar field
PyMPDATA documentation is generated via pdoc
A separate project called PyMPDATA-MPI
depicts how numba-mpi
can be used
to enable distributed memory parallelism in PyMPDATA.applications, and provide a validation of the implementation
and its performance.
To install PyMPDATA, one may use: pip install PyMPDATA
pip install git+
to get updates beyond the latest release).
PyMPDATA depends on NumPy
and Numba
Running the tests shipped with the package requires additional packages that are installed
if pip is invoked with: pip install PyMPDATA[tests]
PyMPDATA examples are bundled with PyMPDATA and located in the examples
They constitute a separate PyMPDATA_examples
Python package which is also available at PyPI.
The examples have additional dependencies listed in PyMPDATA_examples
Running the examples requires the PyMPDATA_examples
package to be installed.
Since the examples package includes Jupyter notebooks (and their execution requires write access), the suggested install and launch steps are:
git clone
cd PyMPDATA-examples
pip install -e .
Alternatively, one can also install the examples package from by using pip install PyMPDATA-examples
The key classes constituting the PyMPDATA interface are summarised below.
The Options
groups both algorithm variant options as well as some implementation-related
In PyMPDATA, the solution domain is assumed to extend from the
first cell's boundary to the last cell's boundary (thus the
first scalar field value is at ScalarField
and VectorField
classes implement the
Arakawa-C staggered grid logic.
Boundary conditions are implemented as classes defined in
The logic of the MPDATA iterative solver is represented
in PyMPDATA by the Stepper
Instances of the Solver
class are used to control
the integration and access solution data. During instantiation,
additional memory required by the solver is
allocated according to the options provided.
Submitting new code to the project, please preferably use GitHub pull requests (or the PyMPDATA-examples PR site if working on examples) - it helps to keep record of code authorship, track and archive the code review workflow and allows to benefit from the continuous integration setup which automates execution of tests with the newly added code.
As of now, the copyright to the entire PyMPDATA codebase is with the Jagiellonian University (2019-2023) and AGH University of Krakow (2023 onwards) - work places of the main maintainer. Code contributions are assumed to imply transfer of copyright. Should there be a need to make an exception, please indicate it when creating a pull request or contributing code in any other way. In any case, the license of the contributed code must be compatible with GPL v3.
Developing the code, we follow The Way of Python and the KISS principle. The codebase has greatly benefited from PyCharm code inspections and Pylint code analysis (Pylint checks are part of the CI workflows).
Issues regarding any incorrect, unintuitive or undocumented bahaviour of PyMPDATA are best to be reported on the GitHub issue tracker. Feature requests are recorded in the "Ideas..." PyMPDATA wiki page.
We encourage to use the GitHub Discussions feature (rather than the issue tracker) for seeking support in understanding, using and extending PyMPDATA code.
Please use the PyMPDATA issue-tracking and dicsussion infrastructure for PyMPDATA-examples
as well.
We look forward to your contributions and feedback.
Development of PyMPDATA was supported by the EU through a grant of the Foundation for Polish Science (POIR.04.04.00-00-5E1C/18) and by the Polish National Science Centre (grant no. 2020/39/D/ST10/01220)
copyright: Jagiellonian University (2019-2023) & AGH University of Krakow (2023 onwards)
licence: GPL v3