Here are the RPM spec files used by the OpenIO project to build the packages provided in the OpenIO repositories. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and compatibles (CentOS and Scientific Linux), we rely on EPEL packages.
They are intended to be used with Mock.
- CentOS 7 (tested)
- Scientific Linux 7 (untested)
- Red Hat Entreprise Linux 7 (untested)
- Fedora (untested)
# Install required packages
yum install -y mock rpmdevtools git
# Get mock config samples
git clone
# Copy one mock config
cp mock-config-openio/epel-7-x86_64-openio-sds-17.04.cfg /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64-openio-oiofs-18.04.cfg
# Edit to suit your needs, for example
sed -i -e 's/17.04/18.04/g' /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64-openio-oiofs-18.04.cfg
# Log on the build VM (OpenStack), or do it locally
ssh buildsys-rpm
# Create the RPM build environment
echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
# Clone OpenIO's .spec files repository
git clone
cd ~/rpmbuild
rmdir SPECS
ln -s ../rpm-specfiles SPECS
# Log on the build VM (OpenStack), or do it locally
ssh buildsys-rpm
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/openio-sds
# Stable build
# change "Version:" line in openio-sds.spec
# add changelog entry (keep it in chronological order) in *.spec
spectool -g -S -R *.spec
SRCRPM=$(rpmbuild -bs --nodeps *.spec | awk '{print $2}')
mock -r epel-7-x86_64-openio-${PRODUCT}-${PRODUCT_VER} --rebuild $SRCRPM
# Testing build
spectool -g -S -R --define '_with_test 1' --define "tag $GITTAG" *.spec
SRCRPM=$(rpmbuild -bs --nodeps --define '_with_test 1' --define "tag $GITTAG" *.spec | awk '{print $2}')
mock -r epel-7-x86_64-openio-${PRODUCT}-${PRODUCT_VER} --define '_with_test 1' --define "tag $GITTAG" --rebuild $SRCRPM
# Log on the build VM (OpenStack)
ssh buildsys-rpm
# Go inside the mirror (NFS mounted directory from
cd /mnt/koji/mirror/pub/repo/openio/sds/17.04/el/7/x86_64
# Remove the broken package(s)
sudo rm -i openio-gridinit-1.7.0*
# Re-create the metadatas
createrepo .
# Ask the QA team to double-check mirror2
# Synchronize to the external mirror, if needed
# In some rare unknown circumstances you may need to fix permissions
sudo chmod g+w /mnt/koji/mirror/pub/repo/openio/sds/unstable/el/7/x86_64/repodata{,/*}
You'll need to build the packages in the following order:
- openio-asn1c
- openio-gridinit
- openio-sds