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Python module to interface with the OpenDNS Investigate API


pyinvestigate can be installed either with pip:

$ pip install investigate

or manually:

$ git clone
$ cd pyinvestigate
$ ./ install

Basic Usage

To use, simply build an Investigate object with your Investigate API key, which can be found here. ORG_ID is the organization id.

>>> import investigate
>>> api_key = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

# Categorization and Status
>>> inv = investigate.Investigate(api_key)
>>> inv.categorization('')
{u'': {u'status': 1, u'content_categories': [u'8'], u'security_categories': []}}

# Categorization and Status on a list of domains with labels
>>> domains = ['', '', '']
>>> inv.categorization(domains, labels=True)
{u'': {u'status': 1, u'content_categories': [], u'security_categories': []}, u'': {u'status': 1, u'content_categories': [u'Ecommerce/Shopping'], u'security_categories': []}, u'': {u'status': -1, u'content_categories': [], u'security_categories': [u'Malware']}}

# Co-occurrences
>>> inv.cooccurrences('')
{u'found': True, u'pfs2': [[u'', 0.09335579514372229], [u'', 0.09335579514372229], [u'', 0.09335579514372229], [u'', 0.09335579514372229], [u'', 0.09335579514372229], [u'', 0.06762387315391016], [u'', 0.057415065440662744], [u'', 0.0549989754684476], [u'', 0.05348786151107391], [u'', 0.04177207224401986], [u'', 0.035603499171633544], [u'', 0.030851688398938874], [u'', 0.025642243122907794], [u'', 0.01809189221816008], [u'', 0.014693120965801757], [u'', 0.014203066065439056], [u'', 0.01271383467301864], [u'', 0.009728822740707535], [u'', 0.009295803936207648], [u'', 0.009270658956305402], [u'', 0.008774333937027498], [u'', 0.00831533412729124], [u'', 0.007618836085561211], [u'', 0.007201461975779442], [u'', 0.0064524714293837685], [u'', 0.006078364744157428], [u'', 0.005755849214175203], [u'', 0.005654408857823953], [u'', 0.005433811444538917]]}

# Related Domains
>>> inv.related('')
{u'tb1': [[u'', 11.0], [u'', 10.0], [u'', 9.0], [u'', 8.0], [u'', 8.0], [u'', 8.0], [u'', 8.0], [u'', 7.0], [u'', 7.0], [u'', 7.0], [u'', 7.0], [u'', 6.0], [u'', 6.0], [u'', 6.0], [u'', 6.0], [u'', 6.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 5.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 4.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0], [u'', 3.0]], u'found': True}

# Security Features
{u'found': True, u'handlings': {u'blocked': 0.4166666666666667, u'normal': 0.5833333333333334}, u'dga_score': 0.0, u'rip_score': 0.0, u'asn_score': -0.1196966534327165, u'securerank2': 75.30526815812449, u'popularity': 52.80364108101653, u'tld_geodiversity': [], u'attack': u'', u'geoscore': 0.0, u'ks_test': 0.0, u'pagerank': 29.357018, u'entropy': 1.5, u'prefix_score': -1.485459001114686, u'perplexity': 0.021424157236163657, u'geodiversity': [[u'US', 0.6666667], [u'IL', 0.33333334]], u'fastflux': False, u'threat_type': u'', u'geodiversity_normalized': [[u'IL', 0.9945923984947999], [u'US', 0.005407601505200155]]}

# Domain Tags
>>> inv.domain_tags('')
[{u'category': u'Malware', u'url': None, u'period': {u'begin': u'2013-09-16', u'end': u'Current'}}]

# Domain RR history
>>> inv.rr_history('')
{u'features': {u'geo_distance_mean': 0.0, u'locations': [{u'lat': 59.89440155029297, u'lon': 30.26420021057129}], u'rips': 1, u'is_subdomain': False, u'ttls_mean': 86400.0, u'non_routable': False, u'ff_candidate': False, u'base_domain': u'', u'ttls_min': 86400, u'prefixes': [u''], u'rips_stability': 1.0, u'ttls_max': 86400, u'ttls_stddev': 0.0, u'prefixes_count': 1, u'mail_exchanger': False, u'geo_distance_sum': 0.0, u'asns_count': 1, u'country_count': 1, u'ttls_median': 86400.0, u'age': 92, u'asns': [44050], u'div_rips': 1.0, u'cname': False, u'country_codes': [u'RU'], u'locations_count': 1}, u'rrs_tf': [{u'first_seen': u'2014-05-12', u'rrs': [{u'class': u'IN', u'type': u'A', u'name': u'', u'rr': u'', u'ttl': 86400}], u'last_seen': u'2014-07-04'}]}

# IP RR history
>>> inv.rr_history('')
{u'rrs': [{u'name': u'', u'type': u'A', u'class': u'IN', u'rr': u'', u'ttl': 300}], u'features': {u'div_ld2_2': 1.0, u'div_ld2_1': 1.0, u'div_ld3': 1.0, u'div_ld2': 1.0, u'ld2_1_count': 1, u'ld2_count': 1, u'rr_count': 1, u'ld3_count': 1, u'ld2_2_count': 1}}

# Latest domains for an IP
>>> inv.latest_domains('')
[u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'xn--80aabhmtlfcyd3a1a.xn--p1ai', u'', u'']

# Domains registered to an email (either currently or in the past)
>>> inv.email_whois('')
{u'': {u'domains': [{u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''},

# WHOIS record history for a domain
>>> inv.domain_whois('')
[{u'registrantFaxExt': u'', u'administrativeContactPostalCode': u'94105', u'zoneContactCity': u'', u'addresses': [u'410 townsend st. suite 250'], u'billingContactState': u'', u'technicalContactCountry': u'UNITED STATES', u'auditUpdatedDate': u'2014-02-16 08:00:00 UTC', u'technicalContactFax': u'', u'technicalContactTelephone': u'0014153443118', u'billingContactStreet': [], u'registrantFax': u'', u'technicalContactPostalCode': u'94105', u'registrantOrganization': u'OpenDNS', u'zoneContactPostalCode': u'', u'technicalContactState': u'California', u'registrantState': u'California', u'administrativeContactName': u'OpenDNS Hostmaster', u'billingContactFaxExt': u'',

# Domains associated with a nameserver
>>> inv.ns_whois('')
{u'': {u'domains': [{u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': False, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''}, {u'current': True, u'domain': u''},

# Search newly observed domains by regex pattern
>>> import datetime
>>>'paypal.*', start=datetime.timedelta(days=1), limit=100, include_category=True, _type='all')
>>>'paypal.*', start=1561654675000, limit=100, include_category=True, _type='all')
{u'matches': [{u'securityCategories': None, u'firstSeenISO': u'2016-02-12T11:18:00.000Z', u'name': u'', u'firstSeen': 1455275880000}

# Associated malware samples for a domain, IP, or URL
>>> inv.samples('')
{u'limit': 10, u'moreDataAvailable': True, u'samples': [{u'behaviors': [], u'sha1': u'e108f3e9b42cad9ed0891647fc73008681af35f7', u'threatScore': 100, u'visible': True, u'lastSeen': 1456260237000, u'sha256': u'775bbca4c7f1f36b25a9326a0c3980a40b69e4ba78e77adff26346cd736195b1', u'avresults': [], u'firstSeen': 1456260237000, u'md5': u'ca9be8f1d8761e5babbe0d123059d70c'}, {u'magicType': u'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows', u'behaviors': [], u'sha1': u'be55561a09d0eb785520329c6db6481ff8649965', u'lastSeen': 1456247770000, u'threatScore': 100, u'visible': True, u'firstSeen': 1456247770000, u'sha256': u'9b136c7238e07093a9522fac95fb889ec2a52662754a1a70c5bbf905cbcbf89b', u'avresults': [{u'product': u'ClamAV', u'signature': u'Win.Virus.Sality'}, {u'product': u'ClamAV', u'signature': u'Trojan.Agent'}], u'md5': u'd13fdb148b0701aab3f5d80ed4fbebe8', u'size': 103140}, {u'magicType': u'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows', u'behaviors': [], u'sha1': u'e7e212aea8d4830dac187b849ef0b892

# Detailed sample information
>>> inv.sample('414e38ed0b5d507734361c2ba94f734252ca33b8259ca32334f32c4dba69b01c')
{u'magicType': u'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows', u'behaviors': [{u'category': [u'file', u'persistence'], u'hits': 8, u'severity': 60, u'tags': [u'executable', u'file', u'process', u'PE'], u'title': u'Process Modified an Executable File', u'confidence': 100, u'threat': 60, u'name': u'modified-executable'}, {u'category': [u'file'], u'hits': 5, u'severity': 60, u'tags': [u'executable', u'file', u'process', u'PE'], u'title': u'Process Created an Executable in a User Directory', u'confidence': 95, u'threat': 57, u'name': u'created-executable-in-user-dir'}, {u'category': [u'forensics'], u'hits': 4, u'severity': 50, u'tags': [u'file'], u'title': u'Artifact Flagged by Antivirus', u'confidence': 50, u'threat': 25, u'name': u'antivirus-flagged-artifact'},

# Artifacts associated with a sample
>>> inv.sample_artifacts('414e38ed0b5d507734361c2ba94f734252ca33b8259ca32334f32c4dba69b01c')
{u'artifacts': [{u'magicType': u'HTML document, ASCII text, with no line terminators', u'behaviors': [], u'direction': u'OUT', u'sha1': u'48d628027388ba84af265623c1434a70bffdc175', u'visible': False, u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'md5': u'd072cd602211a6b4a1eda968df36cdc1', u'sha256': u'083d15a07f8702e1216f5ec39ee1879d1459e307a6ee7ae223651fed856dae93', u'avresults': [], u'firstSeen': 1460762759000, u'size': 51}, {u'magicType': u'Windows SYSTEM.INI, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators', u'behaviors': [], u'direction': u'OUT', u'sha1': u'18e022df15da640920fb1cbfc8731e59eef523e3', u'visible': False, u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'md5': u'51317c1315b1951143370d961c8ca170', u'sha256': u'e959dafaa5b5a0b92003c587bff5ba552fd54635cf6f294d92287121b2d8bb12', u'avresults': [], u'firstSeen': 1460762759000, u'size': 472},

# Networks connections of a sample
>>> inv.sample_connections('414e38ed0b5d507734361c2ba94f734252ca33b8259ca32334f32c4dba69b01c')
{u'connections': [{u'threatTypes': [], u'name': u'', u'attacks': [], u'securityCategories': [u'Malware'], u'ips': [], u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'urls': [], u'type': u'HOST', u'firstSeen': 1460762759000}, {u'threatTypes': [], u'name': u'', u'attacks': [], u'securityCategories': [u'Drive-by Downloads/Exploits'], u'ips': [], u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'urls': [], u'type': u'HOST', u'firstSeen': 1460762759000}, {u'threatTypes': [], u'name': u'', u'attacks': [], u'securityCategories': [], u'ips': [], u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'urls': [], u'type': u'HOST', u'firstSeen': 1460762759000}, {u'threatTypes': [], u'name': u'', u'attacks': [], u'securityCategories': [], u'ips': [], u'lastSeen': 1460762759000, u'urls': [], u'type': u'HOST', u'firstSeen': 1460762759000},

#  Other samples associated with that sample
>>> inv.sample_samples('befb538f7ee0903bd2ef783107b46f75bb2294f7c9598ba901eff35173fef360')
{u'limit': 10, u'totalResults': 10, u'moreDataAvailable': True, u'samples': [{u'magicType': u'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows', u'behaviors': [], u'direction': u'IN', u'sha1': u'c5a36cb704d8598d6cd80f449bea13db070b1633', u'lastSeen': 1463524837000, u'threatScore': 95, u'visible': True, u'firstSeen': 1463524837000, u'sha256': u'cad8c19af7476f7bf1f2516fc694081f99e40e550cc9db87683b06ed84e9a1dc', u'avresults': [], u'md5': u'20ceea3841cef8505873c1c05088becd', u'size': 1056404}, {u'magicType': u'PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows', u'behaviors': [], u'direction': u'IN', u'sha1': u'fbf5dbadb7d083c3f7c7a33c2c86fe2d15e312cb', u'lastSeen': 1463448118000, u'threatScore': 90, u'visible': True, u'firstSeen': 1463448118000, u'sha256': u'f4dbbebdfa4fd0c9a54331c5b0b85613b231237909137d5c2567267282ffbebb',

# Domain Tagging Timeline of a domain
>>> inv.timeline('')
[{"categories":[],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519932936460},{"categories":["Sinkhole"],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519932917443},{"categories":[],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519932012895},{"categories":["Sinkhole"],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519931932123},{"categories":[],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519927890205},{"categories":["High Risk Sites and Locations"],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519765563160},{"categories":[],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1519765359821},{"categories":["Malware"],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":["APT"],"timestamp":1519765346784},{"categories":[],"attacks":[],"threatTypes":[],"timestamp":1497915919501}]

# Resource Record (RR) data for DNS responses, and categorization data for domain name.
>>> inv.pdns_domain('')
{u'records': [{u'name': u'', u'rr': u'', u'contentCategories': [], u'securityCategories': [], u'maxTtl': 1799, u'minTtl': 1799, u'firstSeenISO': u'2019-01-18T15:20Z', u'lastSeenISO': u'2019-05-03T22:38Z', u'type': u'CNAME', u'firstSeen': 1547824800, u'lastSeen': 1556923133}], u'pageInfo': {u'totalNumRecords': 7, u'limit': 1, u'hasMoreRecords': True, u'offset': 0}, u'recordInfo': {u'maxTtl': 1799, u'minTtl': 1799}}

# DNS queries and categorization data.
>>> inv.pdns_name('')
{u'records': [{u'name': u'', u'rr': u'"ca3-0b4b071fd5a9470ab982a0b913b47a3d"', u'contentCategories': [], u'securityCategories': [], u'maxTtl': 300, u'minTtl': 300, u'firstSeenISO': u'2019-05-03T20:04Z', u'lastSeenISO': u'2019-05-23T02:35Z', u'type': u'TXT', u'firstSeen': 1556913893, u'lastSeen': 1558578914}], u'pageInfo': {u'totalNumRecords': 30, u'limit': 1, u'hasMoreRecords': True, u'offset': 0}, u'recordInfo': {u'maxTtl': 300, u'minTtl': 300}}

# Resource Record (RR) data for DNS responses, and categorization data for IP address.
>>> inv.pdns_ip('')
{u'records': [{u'name': u'', u'rr': u'', u'contentCategories': [u'Software/Technology'], u'securityCategories': [], u'maxTtl': 3600, u'minTtl': 3600, u'firstSeenISO': u'2018-12-09T20:47Z', u'lastSeenISO': u'2019-05-23T11:31Z', u'type': u'A', u'firstSeen': 1544388420, u'lastSeen': 1558611062}], u'pageInfo': {u'totalNumRecords': 3, u'limit': 1, u'hasMoreRecords': True, u'offset': 0}, u'recordInfo': {u'maxTtl': 3600, u'minTtl': 3600}}

# Passive DNS and categorization history for a domain name.
>>> inv.pdns_timeline('')
[{u'date': u'2017-07-24', u'dnsData': [{u'recordType': u'A', u'ipData': {u'startSeen': [u'']}}]}, {u'date': u'2016-11-16', u'dnsData': [{u'recordType': u'A', u'ipData': {u'startSeen': [u'']}}]}, {u'date': u'2014-10-31', u'dnsData': [{u'recordType': u'A', u'ipData': {u'startSeen': [u'']}}]}, {u'date': u'2014-06-23', u'dnsData': [{u'recordType': u'A', u'ipData': {u'startSeen': [u'']}}]}]

# Passive DNS and categorization data for TXT records.
>>> inv.pdns_raw('cisco')
{u'records': [{u'name': u'"cisco"', u'rr': u'', u'contentCategories': [u'Educational Institutions'], u'securityCategories': [], u'maxTtl': 300, u'minTtl': 300, u'firstSeenISO': u'2019-05-15T17:05Z', u'lastSeenISO': u'2019-05-15T17:05Z', u'type': u'TXT', u'firstSeen': 1557939913, u'lastSeen': 1557939913}], u'pageInfo': {u'totalNumRecords': 1, u'limit': None, u'hasMoreRecords': False, u'offset': 0}, u'recordInfo': {u'maxTtl': 300, u'minTtl': 300}}

# DNS queries made per hour to specified domain.
>>> import datetime
>>> inv.domain_volume('', start=datetime.timedelta(days=5), stop=datetime.timedelta(days=2), match="exact")
>>> inv.domain_volume('', start=1558328400000, stop=1558587600000, match="exact")
{u'dates': [1558328400000, 1558587600000], u'queries': [14006, 13971, 14837, 15076, 15024, 15205, 16029, 19001, 21547, 23152, 23638, 22269, 21405, 22077, 27304, 28948, 22575, 17526, 16317, 15743, 15016, 14591, 15196, 15028, 15808, 16381, 17149, 17615, 17824, 16874, 17018, 20468, 23474, 23458, 23050, 23491, 27228, 23572, 23050, 22005, 19410, 17046, 15750, 14822, 14725, 14441, 13867, 14266, 14496, 14973, 15096, 14940, 15101, 15006, 16303, 18729, 23021, 23639, 23018, 22303, 22528, 22931, 22321, 21952, 19121, 16970, 15697, 14758, 14254, 13660, 13131, 13736, 13916]}

# Risk Score for specified domain.
>>> inv.risk_score('')
{u'indicators': [{u'indicator': u'Geo Popularity Score', u'normalized_score': 19, u'score': -1.4164641699999994}, {u'indicator': u'Keyword Score', u'normalized_score': 4, u'score': 0.04928461214170483}, {u'indicator': u'Lexical', u'normalized_score': 53, u'score': 0.536}, {u'indicator': u'Popularity 1 Day', u'normalized_score': 56, u'score': 56.43}, {u'indicator': u'Popularity 30 Day', u'normalized_score': 56, u'score': 56.05}, {u'indicator': u'Popularity 7 Day', u'normalized_score': 55, u'score': 55.96}, {u'indicator': u'Popularity 90 Day', u'normalized_score': 57, u'score': 57.09}, {u'indicator': u'TLD Rank Score', u'normalized_score': 0, u'score': 0.00796622168091424}, {u'indicator': u'Umbrella Block Status', u'normalized_score': 0, u'score': False}], u'risk_score': 14}


Python module to interface with the OpenDNS Investigate API







No packages published
