This repository is a monorepo managed using Lerna. This means that we publish many packages to NPM from the same codebase.
To learn more about Lerna and their concepts, see the documentation here
|- lerna.json _______________________________ # learna config file
|- package.json _____________________________ # NPM config file
|- packages _________________________________ # Application packages
| |- bot/ _________________________________ # The chat bot version
| |- intellij-extension/ ___________________ # The intellij IDEA extension
| |- rest-api/______________________________ # The REST API
| |- visual-code-extension/ ________________ # The VS Code editor extension
| |- web-app/_______________________________ # The web app
| |- views/
| |- index.ejs ________________________ # The main template
1- Fork and clone the repo : git clone
2- Install npm packages : npm install
3- Start the rest-api server using npm start :
cd packages/rest-api
npm install
npm start
4- Build and start the web-app :
cd packages/web-app
npm install
npm run build
npm start
This will be start a web server on port 8080 : http://localhost:8080
If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, take a look at the issue list.
Feel free to create new ones or help project grow by sending your Pull Requests.
cognito-jackpot is a pet projecte licensed under the MIT license.