Releases: overturetool/vdm2c
Release 0.2.2
VDM2C 0.2.2 - Release Notes - 22 November 2018
What's New?
Updated VDM2C to build against Overture 2.6.4/Eclipse Oxygen.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Release 0.2.0
VDM2C 0.2.0 - Release Notes - 14 February 2018
What's New?
This release has extended the number of VDM constructs that can be translated to C. In addition, a number of memory leaks in the runtime have been fixed.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
- #125 closed - Add
to runtime and also emit instead ofnewSeqVarToGrow
- #124 closed - Emit GC versions of class constructors
- #123 closed - Remove
from - #122 closed - Investigate memory leak in field initializers
- #120 closed - Remove duplicate GC function bodies
- #119 closed - Loop index issue in "for all" loops
- #118 closed - Assertions in the runtime library for obvious preconditions and proof obligations
- #117 closed - Suppress constructor for system classes
- #108 closed - Align language coverage with Java and VDMTools generators
- #104 closed - Investigate whether numField_ field can be removed
- #100 closed - Ideas for models for the GC paper
- #89 closed - Exercise plan for AlarmPP model
- #73 closed - Generated code to contain the version number of the generator.
- #39 closed - Transformations
- #8 closed - Many VDM test models missing corresponding CPP test files.
- #2 closed - Tasks
Release 0.1.16
VDM2C 0.1.16 - Release Notes - 04 October 2017
What's New?
This release contains support for VDM-RT distribution. Currently, only basic types can be passed as part of remote calls.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
A tutorial on how to use VDM2C's distribution feature is documented in the INTO-CPS deliverable D5.3d, section 5.4.
The VDM model and source code files (the TCP/IP-based bus implementation) used in the tutorial are available in the INTO-CPS SVN repository.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
Release 0.1.14
VDM2C 0.1.14 - Release Notes - 18 September 2017
What's New?
Update VDM2C to build against Overture 2.5.2.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
Release 0.1.12
VDM2C 0.1.12 - Release Notes - 11 September 2017
What's New?
VDM2C now generates code that is compliant with the Visual C compiler.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
Release 0.1.10
VDM2C 0.1.10 - Release Notes - 10 August 2017
What's New?
This release extends the coverage of supported collection operations and improves the runtime implementation of sequences and maps.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
Release 0.1.8
VDM2C 0.1.8 - Release Notes - 01 July 2017
What's New?
This release contains numerous bug fixes (see details below).
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
- #105 closed - Ensure that value semantics for records works
- #103 closed - Issue with "decrementing for loops"
- #102 closed - Emit default constructor for records to support ASN1 work
- #99 closed - Names of omitted classes included in #include directives in main.c file
- #98 closed - Header file not getting included
- #97 closed - Nested operation calls not getting extracted
- #96 closed - Multiple let expressions with identical bound variables
- #95 closed - Access to incorrect static field generated
- #94 closed - Field access generated instead of operation call
- #90 closed - VdmSequence - ASN.1 Sequence
- #47 closed - Add support for map comprehensions
Release 0.1.6
VDM2C 0.1.6 - Release Notes - 01 May 2017
What's New?
This release of VDM2C offers the following:
- A number of bug fixes affecting both the generator and the runtime library.
- Garbage collection support for collections.
- Generation of C89 compliant code.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
- #93 closed - Make exported code C89 compliant
- #92 closed - Investigate Maven test hanging when compilation of test code fails
- #91 closed - Make exported code C99 compliant
- #88 closed - Finalise pretty-printer function
- #87 closed - Alarm example GC support
- #86 closed - Test system issue
- #85 closed - Add GC support for sequences
- #84 closed - Improve filtering of VDM input files
- #83 closed - Field initialisers must receive "this" as an argument
- #82 closed - Support 'forall' and 'exists'
- #81 closed - Name mangling is missing for tokens
- #80 closed - Add support for tokens
- #79 closed - Better reporting of unsupported constructs
- #78 closed - Functions types crash VDM2C
- #77 closed - ID information for record types
- #76 closed - Range information for quote types
- #37 closed - Factor out value and static shutdown functions
Release 0.1.4
VDM2C 0.1.4 - Release Notes - 15 March 2017
What's New?
This release contains fixes that support execution of generated C code on smaller devices.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Issues closed
Please note that the interactive list is at
- #75 closed - Change string comparison in CLASS_CAST to use strcmp.
- #74 closed - Use appropriate version of CALL_FUNC with argument expansion.
- #53 closed - Profile memory usage on ATMega1284P
- #52 closed - Wrong behaviour when compiled to ATMega1284P
- #36 closed - Native lib improvements in accordance with test on AVR
Release 0.1.2
VDM2C 0.1.2 - Release Notes - 10 March 2017
What's New?
This release contains an important fix to the CSV library that is needed in the FMU exporter.
Reporting Problems and Troubleshooting
Please report bugs, problems, and other issues with VDM2C at
Other Resources and Links
VDM2C is documented in the Overture tool's user manual.
Please note that the interactive list is at