A ShiftIt like Hammerspoon window management configuration.
Install Hammerspoon if you haven't yet. Download the latest release here and drag it to /Applications
Alternatively you can install it using brew:
brew install --cask hammerspoon
Make sure Hammerspoon is started (You should see the a Hammerspoon logo in your menubar).
Download the ShiftIt spoon. Unzip the downloaded file and open the spoon (Make sure you open the unzipped ShiftIt.spoon
file using Finder so Hammerspoon will move it to the correct location).
Hammerspoon should prompt that the newly installed spoon is now available.
Alternatively you can use SpoonInstall
Click on the Hammerspoon menubar icon and click on 'Open Config'. An init.lua
file should now open in your editor of choice.
Paste the following configuration in the init.lua
file, save it and close it.
Click on the Hammerspoon menubar icon again, and click on 'Reload Config'.
Make sure Hammerspoon has the 'Accessibility' permissions. Without those permissions, it can't move and modify windows.
Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility
and make sure Hammerspoon.app is checked.
If you just enabled permissions for Hammerspoon, you might need to restart the application for the permissions to take effect.
Configure the Shiftit spoon to your preference.
- Multiple window cycle sizes allows you to override the default 50% window size for snapping to sides and corners
- Override key mappings allows you to override the default key bindings.
The ShiftIt spoon is now ready to use, enjoy.
Having issues? Check out the Known issues section, have a look in the issues section, or create a new issue.
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + left
Snap current window to the left half to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + right
Snap current window to the right half to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + up
Snap current window to the top half to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + down
Snap current window to the bottom half to the screen
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + 1
Snap current window to the left top quarter to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + 2
Snap current window to the right top quarter to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + 3
Snap current window to the left bottom quarter to the screenctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + 4
Snap current window to the right bottom quarter to the screen
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + M
Maximise current windowctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + C
Centralize current windowctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + -
Make current window smallerctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + =
Make current window bigger
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + F
Toggle full screen for current window -
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + Z
Toggle zoom for current window -
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + N
Move current window to next screen -
ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + P
Move current window to previous screen
If after installation you run into errors like attempt to index a nil value
, please make sure to verify that Hammerspoon has the right permissions on your Mac.
Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility
and make sure Hammerspoon.app is checked.
If Hammerspoon prints errors during initialisation, like "attempt to index nil value" from Hammerspoon's init script (~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
), the ShiftIt spoon may have been misconfigured.
Make sure that the Spoon name, provided in installation step 3 matches with the folder name in ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons
(without the .spoon
For example, if the name in the init script is "ShiftIt"
, the Spoon in the ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons
folder should be ShiftIt.spoon
If those are different, change the name in the Hammerspoon init.lua
configuration to be aligned with the name in the Spoons folder.
The default key mapping looks like this:
left = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'left' },
right = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'right' },
up = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'up' },
down = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'down' },
upleft = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '1' },
upright = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '2' },
botleft = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '3' },
botright = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '4' },
maximum = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'm' },
toggleFullScreen = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'f' },
toggleZoom = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'z' },
center = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'c' },
nextScreen = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'n' },
previousScreen = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'p' },
resizeOut = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '=' },
resizeIn = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, '-' }
You can configure multiple window cycle sizes by adding the following line after loading the ShiftIt spoon:
spoon.ShiftIt:setWindowCyclingSizes({ 50, 33, 67 }, { 50 })
The first argument ({ 50, 33, 67 }
) sets the horizontal window cycle sizes, in the provided order.
The second argument ({ 50 }
) sets the vertical window cycle sizes, in this example it only sets one.
The above settings will toggle the window through these steps, when repeatingly hitting ctrl(^) + alt(⌥) + cmd(⌘) + left
You can pass the part of the key mappings that you want to override to the bindHotkeys()
function. For example:
-- Use Vim arrow keys
left = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'h' },
down = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'j' },
up = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'k' },
right = { { 'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd' }, 'l' },
If you use SpoonInstall:
- Load the spoon as following using the repository
. - Add this config to your
spoon.SpoonInstall.repos.ShiftIt = {
url = "https://github.com/peterklijn/hammerspoon-shiftit",
desc = "ShiftIt spoon repository",
branch = "master",
spoon.SpoonInstall:andUse("ShiftIt", { repo = "ShiftIt" })