- 💻 Sofware Engineer
- 🌱 Learning Golang / Korean
- 🎓 AWS / Terraform
- 🏢 I'm currently working at Thoughtworks Inc.
- 🚀 I use daily: JavaScript, Python, , Ruby, Golang, Git, Bash, NeoVim
- 💻 I work using: Perl, Django, PostgreSQL, Amazon AWS, Azure, GitHub, Ruby on Rails
- Manguito API - Golang API used to handle mangas to download
- Manguito UI - React App used to render and view your mangas.
- Terraform Learning - Terraform scrips created when studying.
You can ask me anything (within reason). I am looking forward to absorb knowledge🧠,gain experience 🏭, collaborate🤝 and build amazing products 🏭for the world🌍!