Respeto is a deferred image loader with responsive design workflows in mind. It was borne of fire and steel (and some semicolons). You generate images, Respeto loads them based on media queries + HTML data attributes. Easy peasey.
This repository contains tests, a responsive workflow demo, and a bunch of other junk. If you only want the Respeto lib, then download respeto.min.js or simply bower install respeto
Respeto is currently in alpha, which means it's feature-complete, and ready for real-world testing. So grab it and give it a spin!
- finish explaining what this is
- explain bandwidth vs. JS support implications
- nod to the ongoing responsive image standards conversation
- finish responsive workflow explanation
- this all seems like it goes in a web site, not a README, no?
- maybe remove jQuery as a dependency?
This can be used by itself, or with a responsive state manager. I've created a very simple state manager implementation in the /demo/js/demo.js
1 - Download the latest version of Respeto here or bower install respeto
Respeto depends on jQuery
2 - Add respeto.js to your HTML document (I recommend putting this at the bottom, before your closing </body>
<script src="path_to_js/respeto.js"></script>
3 - Add Respeto data attributes where you want to manage image loading
<img src="lincoln_fallback.jpg" data-rsp-img="portrait_lincoln.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="portrait_washington.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="portrait_obama.jpg" data-rsp-path="custom/path/">
<div data-rsp-img="portrait_obama.jpg"></div>
4 - Create a Respeto object and run the load()
$(function() { // jQuery.on('ready')
var rsp = new Respeto();
5 - ...and your img
elements get their src
attributes set, and new images will load
<img src="portrait_lincoln_tablet.jpg" data-rsp-img="portrait_lincoln.jpg">
<img src="portrait_washington_tablet.jpg" data-rsp-img="portrait_washington.jpg">
<img src="custom/path/portrait_obama_tablet.jpg" data-rsp-img="portrait_obama.jpg" data-rsp-path="custom/path/">
<div style="background-image: url(" data-rsp-img="portrait_obama.jpg"></div>
6 - [optional] Simple state-based usage
// this should be inside of a jQuery $.ready() function
var rsp = new Respeto();
var width = $(window).width();
if(width <= 480) {
rsp.load('small'); // loads images with _small suffix
if(width > 480 && width <= 1024) {
rsp.load('large'); // sets image sources with _large suffix
if(width > 1024) {
rsp.load('huge'); // loads images with _huge suffix
Respeto recommends a responsive image workflow with Grunt and Grunt Responsive Images
Using Respeto really means that you're using a responsive image workflow (possibly for the first time). What I've created in the /demo
directory constitutes a very simple example of a working responsive workflow.
Here are the pieces:
- a source images directory
- image workflow tools (in this case Grunt and ImageMagick)
- a destination directory
- Respeto, of course
- certain formats don't process well (animated gifs, svg)
- have a source images dir for processing, and a source images dir for copying
- my example only has a processing dir for brevity
- Grunt
- Grunt Responsive Images (
- ImageMagick
brew install ImageMagick
if you're on OSX
- no source control here
- .gitignore away
- compress wisely
- you can get away with more compression in retina (
- This is the easy part, eh? Depending on your needs, the rest of this README and examples should take care of this part...
- options - object , optional . Respeto parameters, see below
var rsp = new Respeto();
Returns the object with the following methods:
- rsp.load(label, options) - processes targets that contain Respeto data attributes and assigns
properties as necessary.options
is an optional object where you may specify a context, a selector to match, and/or a selector to exclude: - context: a jQuery selector that limits the scope of what you're loading. Useful if you're working in a single-page app, and you only want to load images inside a specific container.
- match: a jQuery selector that limits the scope of what you're loading to elements that match this option.
- exclude: a single jQuery selector (not comma-delimited)
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Example | Description |
imageDataAttribute | string | 'rsp-img' | 'image-source' | This translates into a data attribute that contains a source image. Using the default, it will look like this: <img data-rsp-img=“your_image_here.jpg”> |
imagePathAttribute | string | 'rsp-path' | 'custom-path' | This is the data attribute with will contain paths for each image that wishes to override the global imagePath . |
imagePath | string | '' | 'images/' | This path will be prefixed onto every source image. If a data-rsp-path is present, imagePath will be ignored. |
disableRetina | boolean | true | false | If you wish to enable retina suffixes (for instance, if you are generating retina alternatives), set this to false . |
retinaSuffix | string | '_x2' | '@2' | retinaSuffix determines the suffix that will be attached when disableRetina is false, and users are accessing your site on a retina-friendly device. |
var rsp = new Respeto();
rsp.load('small', {
match: '.load-me'
<img class="load-me" data-rsp-img="dog.jpg">
<img class="load-me" data-rsp-img="fish.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="cat.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="monkey.jpg">
<img class="load-me" data-rsp-img="elephant.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="giraffe.jpg">
<img src="dog_small.jpg" class="load-me" data-rsp-img="dog.jpg"> <!-- match! -->
<img src="fish_small.jpg" class="load-me" data-rsp-img="fish.jpg"> <!-- match! -->
<img data-rsp-img="cat.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="monkey.jpg">
<img src="elephant_small.jpg" class="load-me" data-rsp-img="elephant.jpg"> <!-- match! -->
<img data-rsp-img="giraffe.jpg">
var rsp = new Respeto();
// load our "large" images inside of elements with id of 'page-1'
rsp.load('large', {
context: '#page-1'
<section id="#page-1">
<img data-rsp-img="dog.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="fish.jpg">
<section id="#page-2">
<img data-rsp-img="cat.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="monkey.jpg">
<section id="#page-3">
<img data-rsp-img="elephant.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="giraffe.jpg">
<section id="#page-1">
<img src="dog_large.jpg" data-rsp-img="dog.jpg"> <!-- match! -->
<img src="fish_large.jpg" data-rsp-img="fish.jpg"> <!-- match! -->
<section id="#page-2">
<img data-rsp-img="cat.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="monkey.jpg">
<section id="#page-3">
<img data-rsp-img="elephant.jpg">
<img data-rsp-img="giraffe.jpg">