A very minimal eleventy starter using Tailwind CSS for styling.
It features a smart navigation component that sets active states automatically.
For beginners and/or when you need a simple static site and don't want to duplicate your navigation header and set active states for the nth time.
🦴 As minimal as possible
⚡️ Active states in the navigation are automatically set based on the current url.
💨 Add a couple of lines to any page and it will appear in the navigation. (Check how to below)
🗓 A very simple blog structure because why not
🍪 Example for including json data on contact page
💜 Tailwind CSS
git clone git@github.com:tomreinert/minimal-11ty-tailwind-starter.git mysite
cd mysite
npm install
Watches for changes and serves locally on http://localhost:8080
npm run serve
npm run build
The top navigation is the only feature in this starter and lives in /src/_includes/components/navigation.njk
It looks for the eleventyNavigation object in pages and adds them to the navigation bar. It also checks whether the site's url is in the currently opened url and highlights the navigation item accordingly. This even works for subpages. So if you're on /blog/post/
the Blog nav item will still be active.
Add the eleventyNavigation
object to any page and it will appear in the navigation. Optionally set the order of your items.
Check the 11ty docs for more information about the navigation plugin.
key: Your Page Name
order: 1
The script in /_includes/components/navigation.njk
checks if a navigation item is active and styles it accordingly.
Let's dissect the code:
href="{{ entry.url }}"
// Base styles for navigation items
class="py-1 px-2 rounded mr-4 inline-block
// Styles for the active navigation item
{{'bg-white text-black' if entry.url in page.url
// Styles for default navigation item
else 'text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-100'}}">
{{ entry.title }}
Add a page in _src/blog/posts
and it will appear in the post list.
Bryan L. Robinson for explaining how to create the active navigation state
https://statickit.com/guides/eleventy-tailwind - I set up the project according to this guide