An implementation of i3 IPC in C++11.
- cmake (>= 3.0)
- C++11 compiler
- sigc++ 2.0
- jsoncpp
Yet the only way of using is to add this repo as a submodule
git submodule add ./i3ipc++/
Then just type this in your CMakeLists.txt
And then just link:
target_link_libraries(someapp ${I3IPCpp_LIBRARIES})
See also examples in examples/
#include <i3ipc++/ipc.hpp>
i3ipc::connection conn;
The connection will be established automaticly.
First of all you need to declare the events you want to handle. As example we want to handle an binding and workspace events:
conn.subscribe(i3ipc::ET_WORKSPACE | i3ipc::ET_BINDING);
Then we need to connect to the signal handlers:
conn.signal_workspace_event.connect([](const i3ipc::workspace_event_t& ev) {
std::cout << "workspace_event: " << (char)ev.type << std::endl;
if (ev.current) {
std::cout << "\tSwitched to #" << ev.current->num << " - \"" << ev.current->name << '"' << std::endl;
// Handler of binding event
conn.signal_binding_event.connect([](const i3ipc::binding_t& b) {
std::cout << "binding_event:" << std::endl
<< "\tcommand = \"" << b.command << '"' << std::endl
<< "\tinput_code = " << b.input_code << std::endl
<< "\tsymbol = " << b.symbol << std::endl
<< "\tinput_type = " << static_cast<char>(b.input_type) << std::endl
<< "\tevent_state_mask =" << std::endl;
for (const std::string& s : b.event_state_mask) {
std::cout << "\t\t\"" << s << '"' << std::endl;
Then we starting the event-handling loop
while (true) {
Note: If you want to interract with event_socket or just want to prepare manually you can call conn.connect_event_socket()
(if you want to reconnect conn.connect_event_socket(true)
), but if by default connect_event_socket()
called on first handle_event()
Also you can request some data from i3, as example barconfigs:
std::vector<std::string> bar_configs = conn.get_bar_configs_list();
And then do with them something:
for (auto& name : bar_configs) {
std::shared_ptr<i3ipc::bar_config_t> bc = conn.get_bar_config(name);
// ... handling
And, of course, you can command i3:
if (!conn.send_command("exit")) {
throw std::string("Failed to exit via command");
It is written according to the current specification, so some of new features in IPC can be not-implemented. If there is some of them, please notice at issues page.
The latest documentation you can find here
This library is licensed under under the MIT license, but it also uses JsonCpp
(only for parsing i3's replies) and my header-only library auss
While version is 0.x
there can be a lack of backward compatibility between minor releases, please see release notes.