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🏄 Ravan

minimalist, dependency-free progress bar library for Go.

the package name(Ravan) means smooth or flowing in persian. Exactly the same as the progress bar.

GitHub Release

Installation 🚀

go get

Usage 📝

package main

import (


func main() {
    files := []string{"file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt", "file4.txt", "file6.txt"}

    bar, _ := ravan.New(ravan.WithMessage(&ravan.Message{Failed: "error custom message", Success: "success custom message"}))
    for i, file := range files {
        err := processFile(file)
        if err != nil {
            bar.FailMsg(fmt.Errorf("error processing %s: %w", file, err))
        bar.Draw(float64(i+1) / float64(len(files)))


See examples directory that added examples of all versions.also you can read the documentation that is in next section.

Bar characters 🔤

Name Sign
Hash "#"
Asterisk "*"
Equal "="
Plus "+"
Dash "-"
GreaterThan ">"
LessThan "<"
Colon ":"
Exclamation "!"
DollarSign "$"
AtSign "@"
Percent "%"
CircumFlex "^"
And "&"
Empty " "

📌Empty only available in WithIncompleteChar is obvious that completed bar section can't fill with Empty char.

Custom message 💭

in v0.0.3 and above you can set custom Message struct for handling in error and successful situation with WithMessage func.

bar, _ := ravan.New(ravan.WithMessage(&ravan.Message{Failed: "error custom message", Success: "success custom message"}))

See and run this example

Documentation 📋

Go Reference

Check latest version please.

Demo 🖼


License 📏

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Created with ❤️ by pooulad.