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Source code for an analysis of the co-evolution of movement and competition strategies.


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Source Code and Supplementary Material for The joint evolution of animal movement and competition strategies

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI

This is the source code for the analyses and figures for a manuscript that reports on models the joint evolution of movement and competition strategies using massive, spatial, individual-based models. This work was developed in the Modelling Adaptive Response Mechanisms Group (Weissing Lab) at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science, at the University of Groningen.

Contact and Attribution

Please contact Pratik Gupte or Franjo Weissing for questions about the associated manuscript.

Name: Pratik Rajan Gupte
Email: OR

Name: Franz J Weissing

Cite this repository archived on Zenodo as

Pratik Rajan Gupte, Christoph FG Netz, & Franz J Weissing. (2021). Source Code and Supplementary Material for "The Joint Evolution of Movement and Competition Strategies" (v1.0). Zenodo.

The Zenodo DOI refers to all versions of this repository, and by default, to the latest version (on Zenodo).

Simulation Source Code

The simulation source code is provided at a different repository, Kleptomove. The Kleptomove simulation is archived on Zenodo as, and can be cited as

Christoph FG Netz, & Pratik Rajan Gupte. (2022). Source Code for the "Kleptomove" Simulation (v1.0.0). Zenodo.

Simulation Data

The simulation data are originally generated in the data/ directory of the Kleptomove repository, and manually copied to the data/ directory in this repository. Simulation data used in this study are available on the DataverseNL repository as a draft:, and will be available at this persistent link after publication:

Workflow: Replicating Basic Results

Warning: This is a relatively advanced computational study. Replicating it requires many interacting components. Please do not expect it to work out of the box. A small amount of shell scripting in the terminal is required.

A brief description of this workflow is:

Preparing the C++ simulation Kleptomove

  1. Download the Kleptomove simulation from This can be done as

    git clone
  2. Build the C++ simulation in this repository using Visual Studio. The project was developed with Visual Studio 2019. Open the kleptomove.sln file with VS2019 and then Build without debugging. This should generate the kleptomove.exe file in the bin/Release subdirectory.

  3. Create a data/ folder in the Kleptomove directory. The Kleptomove simulation code directory tree should then be:

# running `tree` in the terminal should show, among other directories...

│   ├───Debug
│   ├───media
│   │   └───Fonts
│   ├───Release     # simulation executable is built here
│   └───settings
├───cine            # simulation source code is here
├───cinema          # simulation GUI code is here
├───data            # simulation data is exported here
├───extract         # code for the compressed data extractor function

The Kleptomove simulation is now ready to be run. The simulation dynamics can be visualised using the GUI, by running kleptomove.exe from the bin/Release/ folder.

Prepare to run simulation replicates

  1. Get a copy of this repository klepto-move-evol in one the following ways:
  • Download a compressed file from Zenodo. Zenodo hosts a few specific versions; we advise using the latest version (planned to be v1.0.1).

  • Download a compressed file from Github, ideally from the master branch; alternatively, under the Releases tab, download a compressed file of a specific version.

  • Clone a copy of the repository from Github using (we recommend this method!):

    git clone

    Most users will find it sufficient to use the latest version of this repository. If you wish to use code from a specific version, e.g. v1.0.1:

    • Check which versions are available using:

      git tag
      # example output:
      # v1.0
      # v1.0.1
    • Checkout (i.e., switch) to the version you want, creating a new branch:

      git checkout tags/v1.0 -b branch_name 
      # choose a logical branch name
      # a good example is v1.0_branch

    Cloning the repository has the benefit of preparing the directory tree in exactly the way we use it in our analyses. This should look like:

    # running `tree` should show
    ├───bash                # useful bash scripts to render supplement
    ├───data                # holds data
    │   ├───data_parameters # holds simulation landscape data
    │   ├───for_landscape   # landscape output for figure 5
    │   │   ├───sim_facultative_rep_001_gro_0.01
    │   │   │   └───depends
    │   │   ├───sim_foragers_rep_001_gro_0.01
    │   │   │   └───depends
    │   │   └───sim_obligate_rep_001_gro_0.01
    │   │       └───depends
    │   ├───results         # summary results from analyses
    │   └───sim_TYPE_rep_REPLICATE_gro_RMAX # simulation data replicates
    │       └───depends                     # there are multiple such folders# see template above for naming
    ├───docs                # folder to hold documents. not uploaded here
    ├───figures             # figures for the main text
    ├───figure_scripts      # scripts to generate main text figures
    ├───man                 # documentation for functions defined in R/
    ├───overleaf-kleptomove # private submodule where we work on the manuscript
    │   └───figures
    ├───R                   # folder with functions that help in the analyses
    ├───renv                # restore R packages and versions used in analyses
    ├───scripts             # Rmd scripts to analyse data for main results
    └───supplement          # Rmd scripts to create the supplementary material
        ├───figures         # supplementary material figures
        ├───latex           # formatting options for supplement
        └───_bookdown_files # files generated automatically by `bookdown`

    This repository is organised to follow the structure of R packages ( This allows us to write custom functions, document them, and load them locally when needed, using them as though it were actually a regular package. Files required by this setup are listed here:           # the Readme you are now reading
    DESCRIPTION         # the 'package' description
    NAMESPACE           # the 'package' functions
    kleptomove-ms.Rproj # the RStudio project file
  1. Prepare shell scripts to run the Kleptomove simulation using scripts/xx_make_kleptomove_batchfile.R. This creates a script which repeatedly calls the kleptomove.exe program with different parameter combinations, overwriting the default bin/config.ini file present in Kleptomove as appropriate.

    This generates a .bat file with a time and data in the filename, for example scripts/scripts/runs_2022-02-14_13_49_42.bat. This, or similar files, should be copied into Kleptomove/bin/Release/, for it to access the simulation executable.

Run simulation replicates

  1. Run the .bat file from within Kleptomove/bin/Release (be sure to have built the kleptomove.sln first, to generate the Kleptomove.exe file!).

    The simulation should now run 3 (or some N) replicates of each parameter combination, with a terminal opening up showing progress.

    This step typically takes >24 hours, depending on the number of replicates and parameter combinations, and the the number of generations and timesteps within generations.

Process simulation data

  1. Copy the data folders generated in the Kleptomove/data folder into the klepto-move-evol/data folder.

  2. Open the .Rproj file in RStudio, and in numbered sequence, run all the .Rmd files (not the R file to generate batch files!), and the lone Python file (Python 3.x required, 3.7 used). This process can take a few hours, especially if there are many simulation replicates or combinations of parameters.

  • We have included an renv lockfile (see, which records the R packages we used and their versions. For full reproducibility, these can be used using

    # from the R terminal

    This will install those packages with those specific versions. We do not anticipate exact versions to be important, but this is good practice.

  • We have also included a file listing the Python packages used, python_requirements.txt. Restore these packages using

    # from the shell (not in Python!)
    pip install -r python_requirements.txt

Make figures in the main text

  1. Having opened the .Rproj file, run the .Rmd scripts in the figure_scripts folder, in numbered sequence, to make main text figures 1 - 6, and Supplementary Material Fig. S1.

Render supplementary material

  1. Run the .Rmd files in the supplement folder, in sequence, to generate supplementary figures. This does not include Figures in Sections 6 and 7.

Analysis Functions

The simulation data are summarised by a series of R functions, and this repository is configured to be an R package, whose functions can be accessed using devtools::load_all. These functions are in the directory R/, and are documented in the directory man/.

Do not build the project using devtools::build()! This will attempt to load data from data into the package, which will fail due to the data's size.

  • R/fun_get_scaled_wts.R contains get_scaled_move_prefs, which returns the movement strategies of a number of individuals from specific generations and simulations.

  • R/fun_get_strategy_gen.R contains get_strategy_gen, which gets the per-generation 'activity budget' from the data.

  • R/fun_read_land.R

    • read_landscape Function to fully or partially read in a .png 'ecological snapshot' exported from the simulation, and return the individuals or items per cell; the type option allow for raw counts (items) or the two-dimensional gradient (gradient).

    • get_layer_variance Function to read in specific layers from an ecological snapshot, and get the variance in values. Not used in this project.

  • R/fun_syndrome.R contains a function, get_pref_handler_by_strat to determine how handler preference (or another decision making weight) varies by competition strategy.

  • R/fun_theme.R defines a custom theme for the figures.

  • R/fun_weight_evo.R

    • get_generation_data Gets data for a single generation from a single simulation replicate output.

    • get_weights_prop Get the frequency of hyperbolic tangent transformed weight values, from a single generation data object.

    • get_weights_timeline Get the frequency of weights per generation for a single simulation output.

    • get_sim_weight_evol Apply the get_weights_timeline to a folder holding a single simulation replicate output.

    • get_agent_distribution Get the average number of individuals per strategy per generation per cell from specific generations (in the range 991 -- 998), for a single simulation output. Not used here.

Analysis Source Code

The source code for the analyses reported here can be found in the directory scripts/, and is explained here:

  • scripts/00_landscape_item_count.Rmd Counts the number of items and individuals per cell from ecological snapshots from the simulation.

  • scripts/01_get_evo_equilibria.Rmd Get the activity budget over multiple generations.

  • scripts/02_get_weight_evolution.Rmd Get the evolution of movement and foraging strategy decision making weight evolution over multiple generations.

  • scripts/03_get_weight_correlation.Rmd Get the preference for handlers by strategy per generation.

  • scripts/ Get the proportion of each ecological snapshot landscape from which no better moves are possible.

  • scripts/05_agents_per_items.Rmd Get data on individuals per items from each generation per replicate.

  • scripts/06_matching_rule.Rmd Get correlations between individual abundances and items and cell productivity.

Figure Source Code

The source code for the figures in this manuscript is in the directory figure_scripts/; one script per figure, numbered in the figure order. These scripts are not explained further.

Main Text

The main text of the manuscript is written in LaTeX and is stored in the (private) submodule, overleaf-kleptomove.

Supplementary Material

The supplementary material provided with this manuscript is generated from the supplement/ directory. These scripts mostly contain plotting code, and we do not describe them further. Other files in this sub-directory relate to formatting.