###1. Introduction
In short, pyzernikemoment is a python module to find the Zernike moments for an N x N binary ROI, and the MATLAB version is written by Amir Tahmasbi.
###2. Install
This package uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. To install in your home directory, securely run the following:
git clone https://github.com/primetang/pyzernikemoment.git
cd pyzernikemoment
[sudo] python setup.py install
Or directly through pip
to install it:
[sudo] pip install pyzernikemoment
###3. Usage
I think this is a good example for the usage of pyzernikemoment.
You can also run the example by run the following:
cd example
python test_example.py
The follow is the result, where A
is the amplitude of the moment, and Phi
is the phase.