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Princeton University

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  1. Kaltura Kaltura Public

    Samples of code written to administer content within the Kaltura video asset management system.

    Java 3

  2. app-bundle app-bundle Public

    An application framework bundle built on top of Slim

    PHP 3

  3. Kurogo-Mobile-Web Kurogo-Mobile-Web Public

    Forked from modolabs/Kurogo-Mobile-Web

    Kurogo is a PHP framework for delivering high quality, data driven customizable content to a wide range of mobile devices. Its strengths lie in the customizable system that allows you to adapt cont…


  4. cloudmigration cloudmigration Public

    Script to migrate local data to Google Drive or


  5. kaltura-video-password-protection kaltura-video-password-protection Public

    Ruby on Rails app that can be used to password protect videos in Kaltura.


  6. cfs2gdrive cfs2gdrive Public

    A PHP script meant to be run as a cron job that will upload all files placed in a local source directory to a target folder in a Google Drive account.



Showing 8 of 8 repositories
  • app-bundle Public

    An application framework bundle built on top of Slim

    princeton/app-bundle’s past year of commit activity
    PHP 3 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Mar 5, 2020
  • phpunit-skeleton-generator Public Forked from sebastianbergmann/phpunit-skeleton-generator

    Tool that can generate skeleton test classes from production code classes and vice versa.

    princeton/phpunit-skeleton-generator’s past year of commit activity
    PHP 0 94 0 0 Updated Jun 21, 2018
  • Kaltura Public

    Samples of code written to administer content within the Kaltura video asset management system.

    princeton/Kaltura’s past year of commit activity
    Java 3 0 0 0 Updated Jun 21, 2017
  • loris Public Forked from loris-imageserver/loris

    Loris IIIF Image Server

    princeton/loris’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 86 0 0 Updated Nov 20, 2016
  • cfs2gdrive Public

    A PHP script meant to be run as a cron job that will upload all files placed in a local source directory to a target folder in a Google Drive account.

    princeton/cfs2gdrive’s past year of commit activity
    PHP 0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 18, 2014
  • kaltura-video-password-protection Public

    Ruby on Rails app that can be used to password protect videos in Kaltura.

    princeton/kaltura-video-password-protection’s past year of commit activity
    Ruby 0 0 0 0 Updated Oct 24, 2014
  • cloudmigration Public

    Script to migrate local data to Google Drive or

    princeton/cloudmigration’s past year of commit activity
    Java 0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 28, 2013
  • Kurogo-Mobile-Web Public Forked from modolabs/Kurogo-Mobile-Web

    Kurogo is a PHP framework for delivering high quality, data driven customizable content to a wide range of mobile devices. Its strengths lie in the customizable system that allows you to adapt content from a variety of sources and easily present that to mobile devices from feature phones, to early generation smart phones, to modern devices and t…

    princeton/Kurogo-Mobile-Web’s past year of commit activity
    PHP 0 MIT 98 0 0 Updated Feb 21, 2011

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