ProxiedMail 👷♀️ is a simple package for the base library to create proxy emails and receive webhooks or simply browse email list. You can find the base PHP library at
You're welcome to visit the docs.
ProxiedMail is a tool that brings the email experience to a new level because it was built around the privacy first concept that enhances using a unique email each time which makes it a second password, but also allows you more control over your correspondence. Additionally, it gives you the advantage of moving to another email provider just in a few seconds. Because we have this kind of system we also aim to bring more into the experience of development using emails.
🛠 Creating endless proxy emails with one of ProxiedMail domains (i.e,,
🛠 Setting up forwarding email or disabling forwarding
🛠 Setting up a callback to your URL
🛠 Browsing received emails on the received emails endpoint
🛠 Setting up custom domains. You can do everything using your domain as well.
🛠 Domain-to-domain forwarding. Just in case you need it we can forward emails by mask, like * -> * In this case, the MX of the first domain should be pointed to ProxiedMail and the second domain should be verified by TXT record.
Via composer
$ composer require proxiedmail/laravel-receive-email
This package provide auto-discovery for service provider
If Laravel package auto-discovery is disabled, add service providers manually to /config/app.php. There are service provider you must add:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=proxiedmail
Put your ProxiedMail API token in /config/proxiedmail.php. You can find this token in ProxiedMail API Settings.
return [
'apiToken' => 'YOUR API TOKEN',
'host' => '',
This example demonstrates create proxy emails, browse received emails and receive emails via webhook.
use ProxiedMail\Client\Bridge\ProxiedMailClient;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Facades\ApiFacade;
class ExampleController
public function browseReceivedEmails(ProxiedMailClient $proxiedMailClient)
* @var ApiFacade $api
$api = $proxiedMailClient->getClient();
$proxyEmail = $api->createProxyEmail(
// while (true) with 100 seconds limit
foreach (range(0, 180) as $non) {
echo "PROXY-EMAIL: " . $proxyEmail->getProxyAddress() . "\n";
echo "Time limit is 3 mins \n";
echo "Send the email to this proxy-email to get email payload printed here \n";
//checking webhook receiver
$receivedEmails = $api->getReceivedEmailsLinksByProxyEmailId($proxyEmail->getId())->getReceivedEmailLinks();
echo "Amount of received emails: " . count($receivedEmails) . "\n";
foreach ($receivedEmails as $receivedEmail) {
echo "Have received email: \n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
public function receiveEmailViaWebhook(ProxiedMailClient $proxiedMailClient)
* @var ApiFacade $api
$api = $proxiedMailClient->getClient();
$wh = $api->createWebhook(); //creating webhook-receiver
$proxyEmail = $api->createProxyEmail(
$wh->getCallUrl() //specifying webhook url
// while (true) with 100 seconds limit
foreach (range(0, 100) as $non) {
echo "PROXY-EMAIL: " . $proxyEmail->getProxyAddress() . "\n";
echo "Send the email to this proxy-email to get email payload printed here";
//checking webhook receiver
$whStatus = $api->statusWebhook($wh->getId());
echo "Webhook STATUS: \n";
echo "Received: " . ($whStatus->isReceived() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n"; //printing webhook status
//printing payload if received
if ($whStatus->isReceived()) {
echo json_encode($whStatus->getPayload());
echo "\n";
You can create find the UI on ProxiedMail to manage your domains, emails, and webhooks.
Please feel free to fork and sending Pull Requests. This project follows Semantic Versioning 2 and PSR-2.
GPL3. Please see License File for more information.
For any questions please contact
Also please check out the article how to receive emails in Laravel in our blog. If you're interested in receiving emails in PHP use the library for pure PHP.
Article: how to receive emails in PHP