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Scripts, input and output data from Simulation of O3 and NOX in Sao Paulo street urban canyons with VEIN (v0.2.2) and MUNICH (v1.0)

Here are the input and output data to create the results for the paper Simulation of O3 and NOX in Sao Paulo street urban canyons with VEIN (v0.2.2) and MUNICH (v1.0) .


The information is organized in three folders:

  • 01_scripts: Scripts to create the Figures and maps of the paper, and to download the observations information from CETESB air quality stations (AQS).

  • 02_data:

    • bg_obs: The background information for MUNICH and observation to comparison from AQS.

    • emiss: Emission for Pinheiros neighbor and Paulista Avenue in μg/km/h.

    • rmsp_shp: Sao Paulo city shape file.

    • tests: MUNICH results for different scenarios. xN, means the increment in all emissions by N. bg_san is an scenario where Santos AQS is used as background. nox_x4, scenario where only NOX emission are incremented by 4.

    • wrfinputs: WRF's domains.

    • wrf_met_aqs_station: WRF model output and meteorological observation from AQS.

  • 03_output:

    • paper_figs: Figures in the paper.

    • test_figs: Preliminary figures.

    • text_files: tables and performance statistics.

├── 01_scripts
├── 02_data
│   ├── bg_obs
│   ├── emiss
│   ├── rmsp_shp
│   ├── tests
│   │   ├── avpau_ugs
│   │   ├── av_pau_ugs_x2
│   │   ├── av_pau_ugs_x4
│   │   ├── pin_ugs
│   │   ├── pin_ugs_bg_san
│   │   ├── pin_ugs_nox_x4
│   │   ├── pin_ugs_x2
│   │   ├── pin_ugs_x3
│   │   └── pin_ugs_x4
│   ├── wrfinputs
│   └── wrf_met_aqs_station
└── 03_output
   ├── paper_figs
   ├── test_figs
   └── text_files