Backup your GitHub repositories with a simple command-line application written in Go.
The simplest way to keep your repositories save:
- Install
- Get a token from
ghbackup -secret token /path/to/backup/dir
This will backup all repositories you have access to.
Embarrassing simple GitHub backup tool
Usage: ghbackup [flags] directory
directory path to save the repositories to
At least one of -account or -secret must be specified.
-account string
GitHub user or organization name to get repositories from.
If not specified, all repositories the authenticated user has access to
will be loaded.
-secret string
Authentication secret for GitHub API.
Can use the users password or a personal access token (https://github.c
Authentication increases rate limiting (
/#rate-limiting) and enables backup of private repositories.
Suppress all output
Print binary version
For more visit
Note that
under the hood. Please make sure it is installed on your system. -
With Go:
go get
- With Homebrew:
brew install qvl/tap/ghbackup
- Download binary:
Mostly, we like to setup backups to run automatically in an interval.
Let's setup ghbackup
on a Linux server and make it run daily at 1am. This works similar on other platforms.
There are different tools to do this:
Also see this tutorial.
systemd runs on most Linux systems and using sleepto it's easy to create a service to schedule a backup.
- Create a new unit file:
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/ghbackup.service && sudo chmod 644 $_
- Edit file:
Description=GitHub backup
ExecStart=/PATH/TO/sleepto -hour 1 /PATH/TO/ghbackup -account qvl /home/USER/github
Replace the paths with your options.
Start service and enable it on boot:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now ghbackup
- Check if service is running:
systemctl status ghbackup
Cron is a job scheduler that already runs on most Unix systems.
- Run
crontab -e
- Add a new line and replace
with your options:
0 1 * * * ghbackup -account NAME DIR
For example:
0 1 * * * ghbackup -account qvl /home/qvl/backup-qvl
The last line of the output contains a summary. You can use this to collect statistics about your backups. An easy way would be to use a Slack hook and send it like this:
ghbackup -secret $GITHUB_TOKEN $DIR \
| tail -n1 \
| xargs -I%% curl -s -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "%%"}' $SLACK_HOOK
Get all repositories of a GitHub account. Save them to a folder. Update already cloned repositories.
Best served as a scheduled job to keep your backups up to date!
is about repositories.
There are other solutions if you like to backup issues and wikis.
From another Go program you can directly use the ghbackup
Have a look at the GoDoc.
Make sure to use gofmt
and create a Pull Request.
Push a new Git tag and GoReleaser will automatically create a release.