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Releases: r-lib/actions


12 Dec 17:39
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Note that v2 is a sliding tag, and we introduce non-breaking changes to it.

v2.11.2 (2025-02-19)

  • [setup-r] now installs gfortran 14.2 for R 4.5.0 and later (#965).

  • [setup-r] now does not use PPM on aarch64 Linux, because PPM
    does not have binary packages for aarch64 Linux, and it would send
    x86_64 binarires for aarch64 systems as well.

  • [setup-r] now unlinks pkg-config@0.29.2 on macOS silently,
    to avoid an error from the problem matchers (#973).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now supports dependencies: FALSE
    (@eitsupi, #961).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now creates the R_LIBS_USER and
    R_LIBS_SITE library directories (#974).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now prints the R repo status (#975).

  • Example workflows that use renv now call setup-r with
    r-version: renv, to install the R version declared in the
    renv.lock file.

v2.11.1 (2024-11-25)

  • [setup-r] now unlinks the pre-installed pkg-config brew package
    to fix a clash with the new pkgconf package (#948).

v2.11.0 (2024-11-09)

  • [setup-r-dependencies] parameter pak-version can now be repo or
    none as well. repo means that the action will install pak from
    the configured repositories, using install.packages(). repo is
    appropriate on systems that do not have access to our pak reporitory
    on GitHUb. none means that the action does not install pak at all.
    Use this if you want to install pak yourself manually. Set the
    R_LIB_FOR_PAK environment variable to point to the library where pak
    is installed.

  • [setup-r] now has a working-directory parameter, to be able to
    specify the location of the renv.lock file (#922, @calderonsamuel).

  • Example check-like workflows now run on all pull requests, not only
    on pull requests against the main branch.

  • [setup-r-dependencies] and [setup-renv] now do not use the
    deprecated save-always parameter of actions/cache.

  • [setup-renv] now correctly accepts bypass-cache: never, as stated
    in the documentation.

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now saves the package cache correctly on
    Windows with older R (#940).

v2.10.1 (2024-08-08)

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now pins quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup
    version to a constant sha, to be compatible with organizations where
    this is a requirement (#901).

  • [setup-renv] now also caches R packages in renv/library, used when
    RENV_CONFIG_PAK_ENABLED: true (#900).

  • [setup-manifest]: new action to set up an R project with a Posit
    Connect manifest.json file (#880).

v2.10.0 (2024-08-02)

  • [setup-r]: on R 3.6.x we now use the P3M snapshot from 2024-06-01 by
    default. This is because many newer CRAN packages do not work on R 3.6.x
    any more. The default CRAN mirror is still added, so newer packages may
    be used if they are required, but setup-r-dependencies@v2 will prefer
    the binary packages from P3M.

    Note that this only happens if you opt in to use P3M with the
    use-public-rspm: true input parameter. This is the default in all
    example workflows.

    If the RSPM environment variable is already set, then it is used
    unchanged, on all R versions. To avoid using a P3M snapshot on R 3.6.x,
    set the RSPM_PIN_3_6 environment variable to false.

  • [setup-r] now installs the x86_64 build of R on arm64 macOS, if there
    is no arm64 build available for this R version (#883).

  • Example blogdown, bookdown, document, pr-commands and render-markdown
    workflows now correctly have write permission to repository contents
    (#874, @remlapmot).

  • [check-r-package]: you can now setupload-snapshots to always, to
    upload snapshots even after failures (#871).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now always sets the R_LIBS_USER GitHub
    environment variable, so it can be used without [setup-r] or without
    setting it manually (#881).

  • The example workflows now use their file names as workflow names.
    This is to make it easier to match worflow runs to workflow files.
    Most of the the check-* workflows use R-CMD-check.yaml, however,
    to anticipate the usethis package renaming them by default (#888).

  • [setup-renv]: you can now set bypass-cache to never, to save the
    cache even if the workflow fails (#873, @jaradkohl-mfj).

  • [setup-pandoc]: installing nightly Pandoc works again now (#889).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now automatically installs Quarto if the repo
    has a qmd file, and it isn't installed. See the install-quarto and
    quarto-version input parameters (#866).

  • [setup-r] now avoids spurious warnings from Homebrew (#864).

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now accepts pak-version: none to skip pak
    installation. pak should be already installed on the system in this
    case, otherwise the dependencies resolution and installation will fail.
    You probably also need to set the R_LIB_FOR_PAK env var to the library
    where it is installed.

v2.9.0 (2024-05-09)

  • The test-coverage.yaml example workflow now handles global Codecov
    tokens for test coverage uploads to
    (@ALanguillaume, @gaborcsardi, #823).

  • The check-full.yaml example does not test on R 3.6.x any more.

  • All example workflows set the default permissions now to read-only.

  • We deleted the (long broken) run-rchk action.
    R-hub will have an rchk container and builder soon: r-hub/containers#29.

  • [setup-r-dependencies]: new option to save the R package cache for
    unsuccessful workflow runs as well (@schloerke, #695).

  • New example workflows bookdown-gh-pages and blogdown-gh-pages to
    deploy bookdown books and blogdown sites to GH Pages without commiting
    them into the repository (#856).

v2.8.7 (2024-04-05)

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now has a lockfile-create-lib input parameter, that is
    passed to pak::lockfile_create(lib = ...) (#814).

v2.8.6 (2024-03-30)

  • [setup-r] now does not install qpdf on Windows, because it is part of all Rtools
    versions that we use. Also, it installs Ghostscript from a .zip file instead of a
    choco package, because choco install can sometimes freeze (#812).

v2.8.5 (2024-03-26)

  • [setup-r] uses a different tag name to download system packages from on
    Windows. This is to fix r-lib/usethis#1967.

v2.8.4 (2024-03-25)

  • [setup-r]: Ghostscript and QPDF installation is now more robust on Windows.
    We download and install manually, instead of installing from the Chocolatey
    repository (#812).

v2.8.3 (2024-03-20)

  • [setup-r] now sets the HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK=true
    environment variable when installation associated tools on macOS. Without this brew
    often fails on outdated Homebrew installations (#810).
  • [setup-r-dependencies] now works on aarch64 Linux.

v2.8.2 (2024-03-18)

  • [setup-r] now supports Rtools44, and installs Rtools44 for R 4.4.x (currently R-devel).
  • [check-r-package] now supports upload-results: never to never upload
    check results as artifacts. This is useful if you want to handle artifact uploads

v2.8.1 (2024-02-29)

  • [setup-r-dependencies]: fix Pandoc auto-installation (#808).

v2.8.0 (2024-02-27)

  • [setup-r] now allows rtools-version: none to skip installing Rtools (#767).
  • [setup-pandoc]: The default version is 3.1.11 now.
  • [setup-pandoc] can now install the latest pandoc version, or the pandoc nightly build.
  • [setup-pandoc] now supports arm64 macOS and any amd64 or arm64 Linux distribution.
  • [setup-r-dependencies] now installs pandoc if the R package depends on the rmarkdown package.
  • [check-r-package] now has inputs artifact-name and snapshot-artifact-name to specify artifact names explicitly (#800).
  • The styler example now sets permissions correctly (#775, @thisisnic).
  • The test coverage example now handles paths with spaces or special characters (#782, @Felixmil).
  • The check example workflows now use a better build_args parameter (#787).

v2.7.2 (2024-02-01)

  • [check-r-package] now uses better artifact names. It includes from the job matrix in the artifact name. If that's not defined then the zero-based job index in the matrix is used. For non-matrix jobs, this is 0.

v2.7.1 (2024-01-31)

  • [check-r-package] now includes the runner architecture in the name of the test output artifact, to avoid a name clash between macos-14 and other macOS runners.

v2.7.0 (2024-01-31)

  • [setup-r] now removes Homebrew R from the PATH on macOS. With this setup-r works on the new arm64 macos-14 platform.
  • All actions and examples now use Node 20 actions.

v2.6.5 (2023-10-27)

  • [setup-r] now tries to avoid * URLs, to work around a DNS issue.
  • [check-r-package] now only sets _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=false if it is not set already (@krlmlr, #764).
  • [setup-renv] now has a working-directory parameter (@milanmlft, #770).
  • The example test-coverage.yaml workflow now works on Windows.

v2.6.4 (2023-07-14)

  • [setup-r-dependencies] now works without sudo on Linux.
  • [setup-renv] now only installs renv if not installed already, e.g. the installation of the correct renv version
    is typically triggered from the .Rprofile (#747).

v2.6.3 (2023-04-26)

  • [setup-r] now installs gfortran 12.2 only for R 4.3.0 and newer, as it is not compatible with the
    R 4.1.x (and possibly other) R builds (#722).

v2.6.2 (2023-04-24)

  • [setup-r] sets its installed-r-version output correctly again, to the actual R version number.
  • [setup-r] now installs gfortran 12.2 for R 4.0.0 and newer. This fixes fortran compilation for
    R 4.3.0 and newer.

v2.6.1 (20...

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13 Dec 21:06
Choose a tag to compare

This is a sliding tag, and we introduce non-breaking changes to it.

v1.0.2 (2022-10-24)

The v1 versions of the actions are now formally deprecated, and they generate warning messages.

v1.0.1 (2021-12-15)

  • [setup-r] and [setup-r-dependencies] do not treat R version devel-ucrt specially any more,
    and it is equivalent to devel.