CWL-SVG is a Typescript library for visualization of Common Workflow Language workflows
CWL-SVG: an open-source workflow visualization library for the
Common Workflow Language. Seven Bridges/Rabix (2017)
Available from
npm install cwl-svg
git clone
cd cwl-svg
npm install
npm start
// Point browser to http://localhost:8080
#svg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
<!-- You need to add “cwl-workflow” class to the SVG root for cwl-svg rendering -->
<svg id="svg" class="cwl-workflow"></svg>
<!-- Add compiled scripts, however they get compiled -->
<script src="dist/bundle.js"></script>
// Content of src/demo.ts
// Dark theme
import "./assets/styles/themes/rabix-dark/theme";
import "./plugins/port-drag/theme.dark.scss";
import "./plugins/selection/theme.dark.scss";
// Light theme
// import "./assets/styles/theme";
// import "./plugins/port-drag/theme.scss";
// import "./plugins/selection/theme.scss";
import {WorkflowFactory} from "cwlts/models";
import {Workflow} from "./graph/workflow";
import {SVGArrangePlugin} from "./plugins/arrange/arrange";
import {SVGNodeMovePlugin} from "./plugins/node-move/node-move";
import {SVGPortDragPlugin} from "./plugins/port-drag/port-drag";
import {SelectionPlugin} from "./plugins/selection/selection";
import {SVGEdgeHoverPlugin} from "./plugins/edge-hover/edge-hover";
import {ZoomPlugin} from "./plugins/zoom/zoom";
const sample = require(__dirname + "/../cwl-samples/rna-seq-alignment.json");
const wf = WorkflowFactory.from(sample);
const svgRoot = document.getElementById("svg") as any;
const workflow = new Workflow({
model: wf,
svgRoot: svgRoot,
plugins: [
new SVGArrangePlugin(),
new SVGEdgeHoverPlugin(),
new SVGNodeMovePlugin({
movementSpeed: 10
new SVGPortDragPlugin(),
new SelectionPlugin(),
new ZoomPlugin(),
// workflow.getPlugin(SVGArrangePlugin).arrange();
window["wf"] = workflow;