Lets you know which imports to put in type-checking blocks.
For the imports you've already defined inside type-checking blocks, it can also help you manage forward references using PEP 484 or PEP 563 style references.
Code | Description |
TC001 | Move import into a type-checking block |
TC002 | Move third-party import into a type-checking block |
TC003 | Found multiple type checking blocks |
TC004 | Move import out of type-checking block. Import is used for more than type hinting. |
TC005 | Empty type-checking block |
These code ranges are opt-in. They represent two different ways of solving the same problem, so please only choose one.
and TC101
manage forward references by taking advantage of
postponed evaluation of annotations.
Code | Description |
TC100 | Add 'from __future__ import annotations' import |
TC101 | Annotation does not need to be a string literal |
and TC201
manage forward references using string literals.
Code | Description |
TC200 | Annotation needs to be made into a string literal |
TC201 | Annotation does not need to be a string literal |
To select one of the ranges, just specify the code in your flake8 config:
max-line-length = 80
max-complexity = 12
ignore = E501
select = C,E,F,W,..., TC, TC2 # or TC1
# alternatively:
enable-extensions = TC, TC2 # or TC1
Good type hinting requires a lot of imports, which can increase the risk of
import cycles
in your project.
The recommended way of preventing this problem is to use typing.TYPE_CHECKING
to guard these types of imports.
Both TC001
and TC002
help alleviate this problem; the reason there are two
codes instead of one, is because the import cycles rarely occur from
library/third-party imports, so this artificial split provides a way to filter down
the total pool of imports for users that want to guard against import cycles,
but don't want to manage every import in their projects this strictly.
Once imports are guarded, they will no longer be evaluated during runtime. The consequence of this is that these imports can no longer be treated as if they were imported outside the block. Instead we need to use forward references.
For Python version >= 3.7
, there are actually two ways of solving this issue.
You can either make your annotations string literals, or you can use a __futures__
import to enable postponed evaluation of annotations.
See this excellent stackoverflow answer
for a better explanation of the differences.
pip install flake8-type-checking
Bad code
from models.b import B
class A(Model):
def foo(self, b: B): ...
from models.a import A
class B(Model):
def bar(self, a: A): ...
Will result in these errors
>> a.py: TC002: Move third-party import 'models.b.B' into a type-checking block
>> b.py: TC002: Move third-party import 'models.a.A' into a type-checking block
and consequently trigger these errors if imports are purely moved into type-checking block, without proper forward reference handling
>> a.py: TC100: Add 'from __future__ import annotations' import
>> b.py: TC100: Add 'from __future__ import annotations' import
>> a.py: TC200: Annotation 'B' needs to be made into a string literal
>> b.py: TC200: Annotation 'A' needs to be made into a string literal
Good code
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from models.b import B
class A(Model):
def foo(self, b: 'B'): ...
# TC1
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from models.a import A
class B(Model):
def bar(self, a: A): ...
# TC2
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from models.a import A
class B(Model):
def bar(self, a: 'A'): ...
You can run this flake8 plugin as a pre-commit hook:
- repo: https://github.com/pycqa/flake8
rev: 3.9.2
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [ flake8-type-checking ]