Practical Guide
- Pre-requisites
- Install GIT
- Setup GITHUB
- Setup Jenkins
- Install GitBucket on IBMi
- Footnotes/References
- Further Research
- Final Thoughts
- A GitHub Account
- VS Code Editor
- An IBM i server running 7.2 or above
- Some patience and desire to learn something new.
because, it is easy to execute shell commands and edit IFS files in VS Code!
- Connect to IBMI via VS Code. You should knew that now already. If not, check this link and come back here once you have connected your IBMi.
- Enter
Ctrl + Shift + J
(once connected to the IBM I via VS Code) and select PASE terminal.
because, the default shell is very limiting and irritating!
Either set it via VS Code.
Enter the below command in the PASE terminal. Don't forget to replace cecuser with your username
/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/chsh -s /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash cecuser
because, we need to tell the IBMI where to locate the open source linux commands.
In order to be able to run the linux commands without specifying the location of the command, we have to setup the Open Source Path/Environment Variables. Do the below steps to do so.
Follow the below steps if you decide to run the applications from the PASE/SSH Terminal
Navigate to your home folder by entering
cd ~
Enter command
touch .profile
in order to create a new file called .profile -
Open the file
using VS Code's IFS Browser. If you don't see the file, then click on the refresh icon on the top right side of the IFS browser panel.
Copy paste the below content on the
file.export PATH=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME=/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk17/64bit export JENKINS_HOME=/home/CECUSER/jenkins export GITBUCKET_HOME=/home/CECUSER/gitbucket source ~/ PROMPT_COMMAND='__posh_git_ps1 "${VIRTUAL_ENV:+(`basename $VIRTUAL_ENV`)}\[\e[32m\]\u\[\e[0m\]@\h:\[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\] " "\\\$ ";'$PROMPT_COMMAND
#1: The open source linux commands are available in the path/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin
, so we are appending that location to the already available$PATH
#2: The default JAVA version in IBMi sometimes would be 8. But Jenkins require version 11 or above. So we will tell IBMi to use the latest version of JAVA (17 in our case) for running Jenkins.
#3: We are setting up the Jenkins' application on a folder called 'jenkins'. It provides better management of application, such as the whole application can be uprooted and planted in another location if required.
#4: Similarly, we are setting the Gitbucket's application on a folder called 'gitbucket'
#5 & #6: This is required for changing the command line prompt to display your "python virtual environment(if activated)" "username", "servername", "present working directory" and show the current git branch and git status at all the times.
Create another file called
by entering the below command.touch
Once an empty file is created, open the file in VS Code and copy the entire code from this link and paste it on to the empty file and save it.
Once the initial setup is complete,
- Open up a new PASE terminal by entering
. If the shell is set to bash successfully, you should see the below screen
- Run the below command to check whether the path variable has been setup correctly.
echo -e '\n' $PATH '\n' $JAVA_HOME '\n' $JENKINS_HOME '\n' $GITBUCKET_HOME '\n'
In the PASE Terminal, enter the below command,
yum update -y && yum upgrade -y
Warning!: You want to run the update with caution as it might break the existing OSS applications. For that reason, it is best to use
to create separate container for this purpose.
Enter the command below in your PASE terminal.
yum install git -y
GIT has been installed successfully
Let's connect our IBMi with the GitHub and try pushing (a.k.a. updating our sources) directly to the GitHub Repository.
Setup the user name and email for your local git
- Enter the commands below
git config --global 'Ravisankar Pandian' git config --global
Make sure to enter the email ID that you use to login to your GitHub account
Generate a public/private keypair.
Enter the below command in your PASE terminal. (make sure to enter the email id that you use in your github account)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Hit enter again to save the key pair at the default location itself.
Hit enter again (no passphrase is required)
Notice the location of the public key and open it in your VS Code.
Copy the public key
Navigate to the same folder in your VS Code as below and open the public key
Copy all the contents of the file. We need to put that into our GitHub account.
Create New SSH Key in your GitHub account
Open and click
New SSH Key
. -
Enter some title, Select the key type as "authentication key", paste the previously copied public key, and finally select 'Add SSH Key"
Create a GitHub repository
Let's create a new empty repository in our GitHub account.
Enter the repository name, some meaningful description, set it public, add a file and click create repository.
Click on the green
<> Code
button, click onSSH
and copy the URL
- FYI: This is the command that I just copied
Clone the GitHub Repository to your IBMi
Go to the PASE Terminal in VS Code and enter
git clone
if it asks for anything about Fingerprint and Keys. Now we have successfully cloned the GitHub Repository to our IBMi's IFS folder.
Create a simple sqlrpgle program
Let's create an SQLRPGLE program which inserts a record into some file for every time it is called.
Go to the PASE Terminal in VS Code and enter below command to navigate to our repository folder
cd gitonibmi
Now initialize the git repository
git init
And create a new SQLRPGLE program
touch buildr.sqlrpgle
Once created, open the same file in your VS Code editor via the IFS Browser.
- Copy paste the below code into the
file and save it.**free dcl-s count int(10); dcl-s note varchar(50); exec sql SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :count FROM ravi.buildpf; count += 1; note = 'Build# ' + %char(count); exec sql INSERT INTO ravi.buildpf (note) VALUES (:note); *inlr = *on;
Commit the program
Once you saved the sqlrpgle program, head over to the PASE Terminal and enter the below commands one by one. Read below for explanation
git add buildr.sqlrpgle git commit -m "added build sqlrpgle program" git push
git add
=> we're telling the GIT that we're adding a new file in our repository. So that it will watch for that file for any changes.git commit
=> we're telling the GIT that we want to commit our changes for the previously added/edited files. The commit message describes the purpose of this change. Imagine you're doing a code change, so doing agit commit
means you're 100% sure that the code change is right and it can be pushed to the QA/Prod. Once the commit is done, git will take a snapshot of the entire repository and you can access this snapshot anytime (like a time machine).git push
=> we're telling the GIT to push the changes to the remote repository (GitHub). So far the changes are done only to the local git (i.e. dev library). Once this is done, the GitHub should reflect the updated sources. This is like promoting the sources to the QA/Prod.- Tip: between every command, you can check the status by issuing 'git status' command
Once the changes are pushed, you should see a message like something below
Congratulations! You have successfully modernized the IBM i development to GitHub.
Jenkins is a java based application for setting up CI/CD pipeline. We will setup Jenkins in our IBMi and serve it from the IBMi's IP address itself.
Run the below commands in your PASE terminal to download the jenkins.war
via wget
cd ~
Jenkins is downloaded successfully!
Launching the Jenkins app is nothing but launching the jenkins.war
file via a JAVA command with correct parameters. It can be started via multiple methods.
(Notice that I am using the port# 9095)
- Method-1: Use Process Management tool like Service Commander. (preferred) Jump to this section to view how to start the application via Service-Commander.
- Method-2: Start directly in an interactive SSH sesion
Enter the below command in your PASE terminal.
Note: You need to keep the PASE Terminal session alive for Method-2
java -jar /home/CECUSER/jenkins.war --httpPort=9095
If all worked correctly, then a default admin password will be stored on the location
Open the file
and copy the contents of that file to your clipboard.
- Jenkins initial setup in browser
Head over to the browser and type in the IP address of the IBMi followed by the port# that we defined earlier. In my case, it is
. Paste the admin password that we just copied a while ago to unlock Jenkins.
Remember to select =="Install suggested plugins"==
(Note: It will take some time to load the next screen. Don't click more than once, as it might end up in error)
plugins are currently loaded
Let's create an Admin user which will be used to login to the Jenkins app from now on.
UserName: ravi
Password: welcome
click on save and finish to complete the setup
Nice! we can start using the Jenkins now
If you see a notification at the top as given below, It is advised to have a separate node for building the code. But we will click dismiss for now and continue with our work
- On the Dashboard, click on New Item
- Enter the Job Name as
, selectfreestyle project
and click OK.
- In the Job Configuration Page, Click on the
Source Code Management
on the left, and selectGIT
. - Remember the Repository URL that we copied a while ago from our GitHub? We need to paste that over here.
- Make sure to clear out the branches to build field
Add a credential
Notice the
button under credential. Click on it to add a credential to connect to the GitHub securely. Note: Sometimes, the button will load slowly. So don't press multiple times -
Enter the details as below
- Domain - Global (unrestricted)
- Kind - SSH Username with Private key
- Scope - Global
- ID - anything you like
- Private key - Select
enter directly
=> click add => Open the private key from your ssh folder as below => copy the entire content => finally paste it on Jenkins window.
Add a Build Trigger
- Click on
Build Triggers
on the left menu and checkPoll SCM
- Enter the value as
* * * * *
(5 asteriks with spaces inbetween). This is a cron scheduler which will look for any changes made in our repository for every minute and then execute the build steps.
Add Build Steps
- Scroll down to find
Build Steps
and click on it, then selectExecute Shell
- Enter the below command to call our newly created BUILDR program.
This means whenever the GitHub repository is committed (i.e. updated), we will call a program called
- That's it! We will save the Job Configuration now.
Are you seeing this error below and wondering what you did wrong? Don't worry as I am on your side too! The same error happened to me as well. This could be a bug in Jenkins, but let's just proceed forward.
What we have done so far?
- We have added a Jenkins job to listen on the GitHub repository for any change.
- If any change(commit) occurs, then the Jenkins will execute the shell commands that we have entered in the 'build steps'.
- The shell command is nothing but to call an SQLRPGLE program which will insert a record to the buildpf with the build#.
Let's try it in action!
For the sake of simplicity, let's update the
file via VS Code and push the changes to the GitHub repo. We will expect the Jenkins to pickup the change and process the job. -
Head over to the PASE terminal and enter commands below.
git add * git commit -m "updated" git push
Wait for a few seconds and check your build history in Jenkins. Click on the build#. In my case it is #4, but for you it should probably be #1.
Let's check our physical file if the shell script got executed correctly.
select * from ravi/buildpf
Nice! It is working
Gitbucket is a JAVA based SCM tool which can be run on IBMi. This is an Open Source alternative to GitHub.
Download the GitBucket installation JAR file first Run the below commands in your PASE terminal
cd ~
Start GitBucket using the Java Command
Launching the GitBucket app is nothing but opening the gitbucket.war
file via a JAVA command with correct parameters. It can be started via multiple methods.
(Notice that I am using the port# 8085)
- Method-1: Start directly in an interactive SSH sesion
Head over to the green screen and issue the command below.
java -jar /home/CECUSER/gitbucket.war --port=8085
- Method-2: (Preferred) Use Service Commander to start the tool.
- Getting started with Jenkins.
- Create Jenkins pipeline
- Setup Jenkins on IBMi
- A VCS that can be hosted within IBMi. Click here to learn more.
Source Orbit ()
- Defintion of Source Orbit - a dependency management system
- A blog post by Liam Barry that tells about the SO - SourceOrbit.
- A Node.JS package used to manage the applications.
- Refer this, this and this link to automate Jenkins using PM2.
Service Commander
- A command line tool for managing various services and applications running on IBMi.
- Click here to view about the third party Repos for IBMI
- RPG-GIT-BOOK - This is an excellent starting point for moving to GIT
- Ansible for i's github repo
- Ansible's documentation for IBMi
- Ansible's core documentation
- A blog post about Automating your IBM i tasks with Ansible.
Since Gitlab is an open source alternative for GitHub, I wanted to check if it can be installed on the IBMi. But it didn't helped.
First, I Installed the dependencies for GitLab
yum install -y curl policycoreutils-python openssh-server perl
- Read more about Gitlab
PM2 is a process management app (built on Node.js) which is like an enhanced Task Manager for IBMi. It will be used to autostart, keep the node.js & java based apps persistent.
Install PM2
Kill the Jenkins app first if already launched by entering
two times on the PASE terminal where the Jenkins is currently launched. -
Install NodeJS =>
yum install nodejs14
Then install PM2 =>
npm install pm2@latest -g
Add the location of the nodejs's binary to the path
Configure PM2
- Create a new file called
in your home folder. This will be used to start the Jenkins app.touch jen.json
- Paste this content into that file as below.
- Run this command to start the Jenkins =>
pm2 start jen.json
- Once started, we can view the started apps by =>
pm2 ls
- For some reason, I am unable to end the application via PM2. So I searched for a better alternative and found the IBMi native service commander
- Install service commander using the below command
yum install service-commander -y
Now we will do the one time setup to include the Jenkins app in our service commander utility.
Now the actual command to start the jenkins app from the PASE Terminal is
java -jar /home/CECUSER/jenkins.war --httpPort=9095
We will just add
at the front to start the setup. So run the below commandscinit java -jar /home/CECUSER/jenkins.war --httpPort=9095
Service commander is an intelligent tool that will ask us series of questions in order to be able to do the intial setup.
Question Answer Would you like this service to be available to all users? [n]
(we don't want other users to start this application)
n Short Name
(this will be the name to start the application. So choose wisely)
jenkins Friendly Name
(a short description about the app)Jenkins for IBMi Start app in the current directory (/home/CECUSER)? [y]
(yes, we want to start the app in the current directory)
y Which ports does your app run on?
(Enter the port# that the app is using)
9095 App to be run under a unique Job Name?
(No, so we will leave it to blanks)
Submit to batch?
(No, we will run the app from within PASE environment)
n Environment Variables?
(Since we have already setup the path variables, we will leave it as blanks)
What Other Environment Variables?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
What Other groups would this app be a part of?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
What Other services would this app be a part of?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
If all worked correctly, then you should see the below output
Now let us start the application by entering
sc start jenkins
Run the below command
scinit java -jar /home/CECUSER/GitBucket.war --port=8085
and answer the questions below
Question Answer Would you like this service to be available to all users? [n]
(we don't want other users to start this application)
n Short Name
(this will be the name to start the application. So choose wisely)
gitbucket Friendly Name
(a short description about the app)GitBucket for IBMi Start app in the current directory (/home/CECUSER)? [y]
(yes, we want to start the app in the current directory)
y Which ports does your app run on?
(Enter the port# that the app is using)
9095 App to be run under a unique Job Name?
(No, so we will leave it to blanks)
Submit to batch?
(No, we will run the app from within PASE environment)
n Environment Variables?
(Since we have already setup the path variables, we will leave it as blanks)
What Other Environment Variables?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
What Other groups would this app be a part of?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
What Other services would this app be a part of?
(Nothing here, just hit enter again)
If all worked correctly, then you should see the below output
Now let us start the application by entering
sc start GitBucket
Gmake or BOB can be used to compile the objects directly from the IFS path, without the need to have source members as a middle man.
Following this article for BOB
Install IBMi Repos =>
yum install ibmi-repos
Install BOB =>
yum install bob
faced an error -
update yum packages =>
yum update
and try again to install bob -
Bob installed successfully
Let's test the build command by cloning a git repo.
- Create a library to save the build into
system "CRTLIB LIB(BOBTEST) TEXT('Better Object Builder test project')"
- Clone the git repo (that already contains sample sources)
git clone
- Change directory
cd bob-recursive-example
- Set the environment variable to point the library that we just created
export lib1=BOBTEST
- Run the build using,
makei build
- Create a library to save the build into
- Chroot creates IFS containers within IBMi for
. It empowers users to have their own root folder. - Let's say if we have an IBMi server that already runs some OSS software in it that requires certain version of Node.JS or Python to function. We don't want to break/update that version for our DevOps practices. So we can create containers where the entire IBMi OSS environment would be run independently.
Further information about chroot can be found here
A blog post about Chroot
Another one
A tool to migrate the source members to IFS path
- Clone the IBMI Company System, and bob recursive repositories for testing the DevOps scenarios - Done
- Create a script to install the pre-requisites and installations of DevOps tools - Done
Local/On Prem GIT Tools
- GitBucket on IBMi
- GitLab on Linux
- Klaus Git Viewer on IBMi
- Pick the right tools required for the DevOps Practice.
- GitHub (Prop & Cloud), GitBucket (OSS & On-Prem), GitLab or BitBucket
- Jenkins, IBMi-CI (new), GitLab CICID, GitHub Actions etc., for CI-CD
- Gmake or BOB for building the code
- Research on Source Orbit (new) to resolve object dependency conflicts
- Research on the right tool to setup unit test cases.
- Research on the migration of the Sources from Members to IFS.
May be a self hosted GitBucket, running along with Jenkins, that triggers Source Orbit for checking object dependencies, use gmake to compile the sources, and IBMi-CI to deploy the sources to production would be an ideal setup.
Usage of Self-Hosted GitBucket instead of the GitHub